Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Long time, no type...

Wow its been a while since I have updated.

What all has happened in the last 2 months?  Well Carter is 8 months old now and learning so much.  He talks (gibberish) all the time and laughs at everything.  He is so much fun.  They funny part is he is SO VERY SHY.  When we are out or go see other people, he is so quiet.  People dont believe me when I say he is the complete opposite at home. He is rolling everywhere, and pulling up on everything and WALKING!  Well almost.  He wants to walk everywhere.  With our help of course, or the help of the couch or anything else he can get his hands on. And can stand on his own for a little while before he realizes you aren't holding  him and he gets scared and grabs you.  But the silly boy wont crawl!  Thats ok, I have read so many things lately that says more kids are starting to skip crawling all together and going straight to walking.  That looks like us. Its so much fun watching him learn new things. And see in his eyes when he realizes what he just did on his own. He gets so excited!

We went to Star Cranial again yesterday.  She said she has taken just about all she can out of the helmet, so we wont be able to make it much bigger.  So if he grows as much as he has been then when we go back in three weeks, we might be finished.  They will do a scan to see what his numbers are, to see how much he has been corrected.  I am so ready to be finished with it.  I hope we are really done in three weeks, that way he is finished in time for HALLOWEEN!  I know it shouldn't be, but its one of my favorite holidays. its just fun dressing up, and of course eating candy all day and night! (ok i wont lie, all month) HA.

Basically that is all that is going on.  Funny how our lives just stop once we have kids.  that is all i basically have to share.  Oh we are working on selling our house.  Well, trying to get it fixed up as perfect as we can.  The inside is perfect, I keep that as clean as possible all the time, its just the yard that we need to work on.  This no rain thing has really killed it.  So if anyone is interested in a two bed, one bath house...come over and take a look! 

Thats all in the life of the Thomas Trio.  Hopefully the next post will be more interesting!  :)