Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Whole New Life

Since it has been many years since I have written on a blog, this might be a little unorganized.  We have added a second child to our family, which then means added responsibility. I have so many ideas of things I would like to blog about, problem is I am a very unorganized thinker and writer. Hopefully I can share my tips on motherhood, cooking, organizing, crafting and surviving with you all and it be understood and helpful. Keep in mind, I am a mess, just like every other stay at home mom, I just try to stay two steps ahead of the mini people living in my household! Now, lets hope I can be smarter than this computer and figure out how to reactivate this blog!  Fingers crossed!!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Well, where to start.  My goal was to make enough meals to last a month. So I figured 30 meals.  But then I got to thinking, and my husband chimed in.  We seem to only eat at home 4-5 times a week. Saturdays we are normally running around, and we eat with our folks sometimes.  So we decided to make 15 meals.  That will allow us to have left overs some nights instead of making ANOTHER meal.  So we agreed we would try just 15 meals and see how long that lasted us.  So then we had to agree on 15 meals.  The hard part was trying to pick meals that we could share meat with. For example, you could get a bigger pack of chicken breasts and use just a LITTLE less in each meal and possible make another meal. For example, making  Herbed Dijon Chicken and Grilled Chicken, but just using a little less at each meal (meaning eating less which we all need to do) allowed enough left over to not go to waste in the fridge but to make a Chicken Enchilada meal.  Cool right.  Its all in the planning.  We have always planned a two week menu and got our groceries after pay day which is every two weeks.  We would normally spend $90-100 that way. Which is really good, but we would always have left overs that basically got thrown away because it wasn't enough for another meal or for a lunch portion.  So doing this way is going to save us money, time cooking, less throwing food away, and really my insanity! ha

So here is my menu for the 15 meals. Keep in mind some of these meals are "easy meals" or premade meals because, lets face it, we are dont need a casserole EVERY NIGHT! ha

Taco Salad w/ Rice
Burritos/Soft Tacos w/Rice
Pot Pies
Hamburger and Fries
Ravioli w/Toast and Salad
Sausage w/Beans and Fries (sausage that goes with this we half it and the other half goes with next meal)
*Chicken Enchiladas w/ Beans and Rice
*Grilled Chicken w/Baked Potato and Salad
*Noodle Spinach Casserole w/ Toast and Salad
*Herbed Dijon Chicken w/ Baked Potato and Salad (makes enough for left overs for next meal)
*Dijon Chicken Pizza w/ Salad
*Spaghetti Bake w/ Sausage and Peppers w/ Toast (sausage in this gets halved with the next meal)
*Penne Casserole w/Toast and Salad
*Pepperoni Pizza (because its fun, and a lot of time pre made pizza crusts comes two to a pack).

So there you have it!

I also have recipes that I will attempt to post later.

So basically if you just find a couple meals that can share ingredients then you are saving money right away.  8 of these meals freeze, so on Saturday I will be MAKE ALL OF THESE MEALS at once and freezing the whole casserole or I will be freezing meat that goes in meals we will cook on grill or crock pot.  That way we can guarantee they are still good and if for some reason this month we eat at home EVEN LESS, then are meals are safe in the freezer till we need them.

We spent $128 on all the ingredients for these meals, along with 2 dozen eggs, english muffins and tortillas to make breakfast sandwiches and burritos for every morning.  Bisquick to make pancakes, waffles and muffins also for breakfast.  Lunch foods and fruits and veggies.  Basically bough everything we should need for three meals for a month.  Fingers crossed.  But all that for under $130!!!

I will put an * by the freezer meals in case you are interested.

I have a few awesome websites that I got a lot of my recipes from, posted on my last blog entry.  Check them out! And please, if you are interested in trying this and you have questions feel free to contact me. I am still a beginner at this too, but I am happy to help in any way I can.  :)

Oh, one more thing.  If you are going to make meals to freeze, make sure you have plenty of foil, saran wrap and BIG BIG ziplock bags.  I just have Gallon size ones so I hope those work.

Now, on to what else I have accomplished lately as a Stay at Home mom.

Yesterday I made homemade baby wipes!  I sure did!

Water, baby soap and baby oil poured over paper towels and kept in an air tight container.  My first attempt at these was pretty good...but for next time, less soap and better, more expensive paper towels.  I had cheap ones and they are so thin now that you have to use quite a few.  Oh well, they still work and they were FREE since I had all the stuff in my house and THEY WORK.  Carter didn't notice a difference at all.

And today, I am attempted making dried fruit.  I got a dehydrator machine for Christmas in 2011!!! and I haven't used it yet.  Was kinda scared since I had no idea what I was doing. But I had an apple that NEEDED to be eaten or thrown away and Carter left half a banana he wasn't going to eat, so I just cut those up, threw them in there and here goes nothing.  Making a small batch to start is good, we might hate dried fruit! haha  I will let you know how they turn out.

I feel so stay at home mommy-ish. Ha ha only took two years!

Well that's the end of this entry...Let me know of all the cool things you are doing so I can add them to my to-do list. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Freezer Meals! WHAT?!

Well, Blogger.com, I am going to attempt this again. 

Since its been FOREVER since I have updated, I will do that real fast.  Derrick and I will be married for 4 years this coming May.  Carter just turned 2.  How time flies.  He has been in a toddler bed for at least 7 months. And doing great.  He is a great kid. Everytime I think we are going to have a hard time getting him to adjust to something new he does it with no problem. For example, the toddler bed, no more paci, and now potty training.  We aren't there yet, just starting actually, but he is doing great.  I started teaching freshman girls in Sunday School too.  That is awesome. Challenging but awesome.  They are great girls.  Well, I think that is about all.  I live a pretty simple life.

This time, not only will I share about my family and my life, but my new "goal" or "task" for life as of now.

Ready for it.... Bulk shopping, cooking and freezing meals.

I hope this will allow us to spend less on groceries and less on eating out.  Also, hopefully this will help us to eat healthier and the best part...I DONT HAVE TO COOK EVERY NIGHT!

I know, I know.  Those of you who are actually reading this are thinking there is no way I will stick with this.  That is my fear!  This is such a good idea, but I am afraid my lazy self will find it too difficult to continue planning meals and shopping list for such a long time.  The goal is to cook enough to last for 30days.  Yep 30 DAYS!

So as I begin this task, I hope to keep it updated on this blog so that if anyone else is interested in doing this, hopefully I can help.

Step 1.  Decide to ACTUALLY DO THIS
Step 2.  Convince your husband that its a good idea
Step 3.  Do your research.  Look online, buy freezer cookbooks.  Research as much as possible.
Step 4.  Begin the madness..... (basically this is as far as I have gotten)  HA

I am actually still researching.  Finding meals that my family will eat. Making list after list. Mapping out the 30 days and how many of those days I know we WONT be eating at home. And then making a list of all the meals I have decided on. That is what today consists of.  Making a huge list of possible meals and narrowing it down. 

So here goes nothin!

Here are a few websites I have found that seem helpful.


Tomorrow I plan to have a list of meals, that I will share with you.  And who knows....maybe I will be super motivated and actually have a shopping list done too! 

One more link.  These are freezer meals that you cook in the crock pot! YAY!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Long time, no type...

Wow its been a while since I have updated.

What all has happened in the last 2 months?  Well Carter is 8 months old now and learning so much.  He talks (gibberish) all the time and laughs at everything.  He is so much fun.  They funny part is he is SO VERY SHY.  When we are out or go see other people, he is so quiet.  People dont believe me when I say he is the complete opposite at home. He is rolling everywhere, and pulling up on everything and WALKING!  Well almost.  He wants to walk everywhere.  With our help of course, or the help of the couch or anything else he can get his hands on. And can stand on his own for a little while before he realizes you aren't holding  him and he gets scared and grabs you.  But the silly boy wont crawl!  Thats ok, I have read so many things lately that says more kids are starting to skip crawling all together and going straight to walking.  That looks like us. Its so much fun watching him learn new things. And see in his eyes when he realizes what he just did on his own. He gets so excited!

We went to Star Cranial again yesterday.  She said she has taken just about all she can out of the helmet, so we wont be able to make it much bigger.  So if he grows as much as he has been then when we go back in three weeks, we might be finished.  They will do a scan to see what his numbers are, to see how much he has been corrected.  I am so ready to be finished with it.  I hope we are really done in three weeks, that way he is finished in time for HALLOWEEN!  I know it shouldn't be, but its one of my favorite holidays. its just fun dressing up, and of course eating candy all day and night! (ok i wont lie, all month) HA.

Basically that is all that is going on.  Funny how our lives just stop once we have kids.  that is all i basically have to share.  Oh we are working on selling our house.  Well, trying to get it fixed up as perfect as we can.  The inside is perfect, I keep that as clean as possible all the time, its just the yard that we need to work on.  This no rain thing has really killed it.  So if anyone is interested in a two bed, one bath house...come over and take a look! 

Thats all in the life of the Thomas Trio.  Hopefully the next post will be more interesting!  :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Slow Day...

Well, at least it feels slow compared to the last two days.

Wednesday we had Carter's six month check up at Dr. Peter's office.  It was the first time we have seen Dr. Peters.  WE LOVE HER!  I am so thankful that they took us as patients (no one else would take us since Carter wasn't a newborn).  I was almost in tears the whole time we were there because I loved it so much.  You never really know how good something is unless you had something not so good before it.  The doctor was extremely impressed by Carter's size.  She said "we like big babies" haha.  He was 29 1/4 inces long and 19 lbs 25 oz.  ANd the best part...they gave us a little sticker with all that info written on it.  THe other dr didn't do that.  So I hve no idea how big he was at his other appointments.  :(  The really funny part is Carter was happy the whole time we were there, until we put him on the table.  He didn't like the paper I guess.  He started crying like he has never cried before. So I had to pick him up and calm him down.  Silly boy.  ANd then when it was time for shots (I left the room) he was crying before they even gave them to him because he had to lay on the paper again...haha   Derrick said he dind't even react to the shots because he was already crying so hard. 

Then Thursday, we drove to Addison for another appointment at Star Cranial.  I love the people there and the way they treat Carter, only bad part is we are only there for like 15 min. So we drive a total of 5 hours almost to see them for 15 min.  UGH oh well.  THey are impressed with how much he is growing.  In 4 weeks we get to do another scan to see how much he had improved.  We can already see a crazy difference.  Hoping they tell us when they expect him to get it off.

And then last night, because Carter crashed in the car at like 6, he wasn't very tired for bed.  But we wanted to stick to our routine.  So we let him stay up about 30 min longer than normal.  Normally we give him a bottle and that makes him tired so he goes right to sleep.  BUt last night, he wasn't having anything to do with sleeping! haha  So after about 30 min of trying to get him to sleep, we gave up and decided that we might as well start the CIO method now.  We have been planning to start that soon, but our schedule has been working so good! haha  So we let him lay there and talk and play and after about 15 min he started to get upset.  And after about a min of crying, he went straight to sleep. I hope every night is that easy.  I will never complain because Carter has been soooo good about teaching new things.  After a few days he always catches on to whatever part of life we are changing for him.  Sleep schedule, feeding schedule, not being swaddled. He has just been the best baby!

Well now to Coupons... Derrick went on a little shopping trip for me the other day.  Went to Pier One and got an awesome 6 candle  holder thing and a huge bag of tea lights all for $1.50!!  HOW?  Because I had a $10 off coupon if you spend $10 or more! haha so he spent just barely over the $10 mark.

And then...he went to Target and got two boxes of Ziploc bags and a pair of jeans for me, all for $5!!!!  HOW YOU ASK?!  I had TWO $1 off coupons for the bags (and they were on sale) and then I had a $3 coupon off for the jeans (and they were on sale for $4.98). 

The hint...just make sure the items you have coupons for are on sale FIRST!  :)

And today...well today hasn't been as busy.  I worked at the Daycare for a couple hours this morning and now I am doing housework because my inlaws are coming over for dinner.  For those of you that know me...Since having Carter I am an extreme clean freak.  Its crazy!  I cannot stand to have my house and especially my kitchen dirty! haha  Also today, I plan to get rid of MORE of my clothes.  I have decided that its time to be a full fledged mommy and get rid of my little girl clothes! haha  Easier said than done.

And this weekend...MORE BABY FOOD!  Carter has already eaten all of the food I made for him, so now its time to make more.  And different kinds.  YAY!

Carter is napping right now so I am taking this time to go over my coupons, see whats on sale, clean and try to squeeze in lunch.  I love days like today!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lists, Lists, and More Lists

I have realized that I basically MAKE myself more work than is needed most of the time.  HA  Oh well

So this morning I wake up at 6 am, because Carter woke up BEFORE THAT (he now will no longer sleep past 6) and as I laid there praying Carter would go back to sleep, all the things that I needed to do started filling my mind.

So I am going to make a TO DO LIST, on my blog, just for myself.  That way I can make sure I didnt forget something and THAT WAY I will hopefully sleep better at night.

1) Go thru Carter's clothes and bag up stuff that is to small.
2) Clean out the inside of Derrick's Car (and outside if time)
3) Finish Dishes
4) Put up Laundry
5) Get Supper stuff out
6) Organize Fridge
7) Sweep (mop if time)
8) Finish Organizing Coupons
9) Price Mini Freezers
10) Start working on Next Shopping trip

Ok.  So from 8-10 I worked at the Daycare. Played. Fed Carter at 11.  Played.  By 11:30 I had #1 finished.  Put Carter down at Noon.  Now to go work on Derrick's car.  Bad thing is ITS HOT!  Check back in with ya later.  Oh and just a reminder to myself.  Need to share how our mini shopping trip went last night.

WOW!  Its super hot out there. Pretty sure I just sweat like 20 lbs off!  Ok so thirty min later, Derrick's Care is kinda clean. NOT THE OUTSIDE...its too hot out there.  It took thirty min just to take the trash out and vacuum a little.  YES IT WAS GROSS! So #2 is done! No on to the dishes...But I think I will eat first.
Well, while my hot pockets cooked (yes, very healthy food! NOT), I went ahead and organized the fridge.  So #6 is done! But I think WHILE I eat, I will work on my coupons.  Gotta take advantage of times that C is asleep!!

2:33 and I have everything done except : Laundry, Sweeping, pricing for freezers, and starting my shopping list.  Not bad, eh?  oh and I should price ceiling fans..ours fried.  :(

Freezers are NOT cheap!  Come one people!  I just need a freezer, so I can really coupon shop!  My freezer is PACKED!  Because Albertson's had such good sales on meat, that is all that is in my freezer!

Last night, Derrick and I spent an hour and half in Walmart, just pricing everything.  When you normally buy the off brand of food, sometimes the coupon for the name brand stuff dont make it any cheaper than what yuo would normally buy. So we wrote down prices for almost everything!  It was crazy.  But good to have!  So after that we went to Target.  They had a dozen eggs on sale for $1.39 which was like 20 cents cheaper than walmart. ha Not tha tmuch cheaper, but still, cheaper.  But there were only a few packs left adn they were all broke. NEVERMIND.  We got two boxes of granola bars.  They were on sale for $2.33 and I have a dollar off, which made them $1.83 each.  The off brand at walmart is like 2.15 is.  We also got some yogurt cups (derrick loves them).  They were on sale for $0.60. (about $0.79 everywhere else)  But I had a coupon for $0.40 off if you buy atleast 6.  So we got six of them and got them for $0.53 each.  Pretty good! Thats about a quarter cheaper than at most places. We also got some Lysol wipes.  I use these like crazy. Best way for me to kep my house clean. I have priced these everywhere! The normal price is about $2.  At the Family Dollar the are $2.75 and at Dollar General they were $2.50.  At Walmart they were $2.48.  (a lot of numbers, I know, but stick with me).  Target had them for $2.29 which is the cheapest so far.  But I had a Target coupon for $0.75 off AND a Lysol coupon for $0.50 off if you bought two.  So I got two and ended up getting them for $1.67 each. AWESOME DEAL!!  

See, its great when you actually get something you NEED and would buy even if yo didn't have a coupon, but for a CHEAP price, thanks to coupons! ha

And I am writing all this while I research fans and freezers.  I am a crazy multi tasker. ha

Well I have given up on pricing...They are all expensive, so I will let the hubs make that decision! ha

And I am tired of blogging right now, well tired all around, and Carter will be asleep for a few more min, so I need to go sweep and all my chores are done, except laundry.  That can wait till tomorrow! haha 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

My First...

...argument with a cashier.

With all the couponing blogs and websites I have been reading, they all say that AT LEAST once, you will have to correct a cashier on how much they charge you.  Remember: Customer SHOULD always be right!

Today, I went to the Dollar General in Burk because I had a coupon for $5 off if you spend $25 or more. So I went in to buy a whole lot of baby wipes and anything else I might find to total up to $25.  The original plan was to just buy a lot of baby wipes.  We aren't picky on wipes, and they are super cheap there, plus with $5 off, that makes them even better.  When I got there, I noticed that they had clothes buy one get one free, as long as they have a yellow dot on the tag.  So I got Carter 4 shirts, all for $5 each. Which means, I pay $10 for 4 shirts.  Not a bad deal, right? I also needed one more pack of ice trays for Carter's baby food.  So as I am standing in line, I am adding all my items up to make sure they equal at least $25.

Wipes were $4.50 each and I got 3 packs.  So a total of $13.50.
The ice trays were $2.
Four shirts $5 each. But two were free, so $10.
And I got a magnet strip for $1.
TOTAL OF: $26.50
Plus Tax the Grand Total was $28.69
Then I had my $5 coupon..  WHICH MEANS...My FINAL TOTAL WAS... $23.69

But WAIT!  I didn't pay close enough attention to the shirts I was getting.  One of then DID NOT have a yellow dot on it.  So I had to have them take that off and correct it after I went and found a yellow dot item.  Ok good...all fixed.  Well, I get to the car and start adding things up.  They charged me $28.69 and no where on the receipt did it show they took off the $5 coupon!!  So, yes, I went back in and had them look at it.  The lady that checked me out had ZERO idea what was going on.  I explained and she just didn't get it. So another guy came over to help...and in the end, I got my money back PLUS a little more.... Why?  hahaha Because the guy thought that they charged me for a shirt when they shouldn't have.  But that isn't what happened, they just didn't take the $5 off for the coupon.  So instead of getting $5 back. I got the price of a shirt.  $5.41.  So for just a little trouble and a little embarrassment (my first time having to use a coupon and then having to correct the employee) I actually MADE money! haha

Not bad for my first time. 

Oh let me also tell you all...If you haven't been to Albertson's. YOU NEED TO GO!  Some of their meat is buy one get TWO free... GOOD DEALS!  Also, Chips, Cereal, all kinds of things are buy one get one free.  And if you like Capri Sun drinks.  They are normally $2 at all stores.  They are $0.99 there! HURRY!

Oh and...I found $50 in one of my wallets!  YAHOO!!!