Thursday, May 12, 2011

Life Updated

Wow, its been a while since I have updated.  LIfe has just been crazy lately.  I dont even know where to start to catch up.  Um..Carter can now roll over from front to back and back to front.  Not everytime, but he has done it a few times now. The times he can't remember how to do it he starts getting upset, i guess upset at himself for not remembering.  poor kid. ha He also holds hit head up completely on his own, talks like crazy...and has a very very strong personality.  We have experienced the dreaded 4 month wakeful period and just waiting for it to end.  He slept thru the night, atleast 10 hours a night from 2 months to 4 months and then all of a sudden started waking up again atleast once a night.. no fun!  Reminds me how NOT fun a newborn is! haha  Sorry for those of you that have a newborn or about to have one..but its no fun! what else, what else...

Carter had his first Easter.  Didn't mean anything to him of course, but I totally got him an Easter basket.  I was so excited! Derrick even got something from the easter bunny.
Church that morning, carter did great.  We fed him during church and he kept quiet the whole time. And of course the thomas trio had matching outfits!

Then came mothers day.  I was so excited for my first official mothers day.  LAst year on mothers day is when we announced we were pregnant...  :)

Carter did such a good job at shopping for his mommy.  We got matching mommy and baby shirts, a few books and a mommy and baby figurine.  LOVED IT ALL!

Oh and more on Carter, he can now officially put himself to sleep. Without having to use the cry it out method... YAY!  That saves my back from so much pain.

Well...thats about it for this blog. 

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