Thursday, June 2, 2011

Next phase of life

Well Carter has his last scan on June 8 and then they will order his helmet. We go to get the helmet on June 20. I'm glad it's happening fast so that we can get it fixed but at the same time I'm not ready. it just sucks. As a mom you don't want to ever feel like you caused harm to your kids or let them down in any way. There was really no way I could have prevented this from happening yet I still feel responsible. I know this is just like getting braces, they are temporary and make you look so much better, just like his helmet. But I hate that he is having to wear one. I hate that I know people will make rude comments and I hate that I probably won't be able to control myself when they do. Derrick and I were talking the other day about everything that's going on and he said "when it rains, it pours, huh?". And that is so true o our lives lately. Everyday something else keeps popping up that requires money, emotional strength, time... All of which I just don't have anymore. God knows how much we can handle and apparently it's a lot more than we thought we could. Everything will work our and I shouldn't worry... But I worry. I get upset. I am trying to work on that, but this is my kid! It's a whole new level of worry! Please pray for me and my family to be strong. And pray that we can have a garage sale sometime soon so we can make some money to pay for this darn helmet! Ps insurance won't cover
Any of it! Joy! Oh well, we can make it.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry:( praying for you everyday!! Love you guys!
    Stay strong!!


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