Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Freezer Meals! WHAT?!

Well,, I am going to attempt this again. 

Since its been FOREVER since I have updated, I will do that real fast.  Derrick and I will be married for 4 years this coming May.  Carter just turned 2.  How time flies.  He has been in a toddler bed for at least 7 months. And doing great.  He is a great kid. Everytime I think we are going to have a hard time getting him to adjust to something new he does it with no problem. For example, the toddler bed, no more paci, and now potty training.  We aren't there yet, just starting actually, but he is doing great.  I started teaching freshman girls in Sunday School too.  That is awesome. Challenging but awesome.  They are great girls.  Well, I think that is about all.  I live a pretty simple life.

This time, not only will I share about my family and my life, but my new "goal" or "task" for life as of now.

Ready for it.... Bulk shopping, cooking and freezing meals.

I hope this will allow us to spend less on groceries and less on eating out.  Also, hopefully this will help us to eat healthier and the best part...I DONT HAVE TO COOK EVERY NIGHT!

I know, I know.  Those of you who are actually reading this are thinking there is no way I will stick with this.  That is my fear!  This is such a good idea, but I am afraid my lazy self will find it too difficult to continue planning meals and shopping list for such a long time.  The goal is to cook enough to last for 30days.  Yep 30 DAYS!

So as I begin this task, I hope to keep it updated on this blog so that if anyone else is interested in doing this, hopefully I can help.

Step 1.  Decide to ACTUALLY DO THIS
Step 2.  Convince your husband that its a good idea
Step 3.  Do your research.  Look online, buy freezer cookbooks.  Research as much as possible.
Step 4.  Begin the madness..... (basically this is as far as I have gotten)  HA

I am actually still researching.  Finding meals that my family will eat. Making list after list. Mapping out the 30 days and how many of those days I know we WONT be eating at home. And then making a list of all the meals I have decided on. That is what today consists of.  Making a huge list of possible meals and narrowing it down. 

So here goes nothin!

Here are a few websites I have found that seem helpful.

Tomorrow I plan to have a list of meals, that I will share with you.  And who knows....maybe I will be super motivated and actually have a shopping list done too! 

One more link.  These are freezer meals that you cook in the crock pot! YAY!

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