Monday, April 11, 2011

Back Track-Forgot some stuff..

Thanks Danielle!  You reminded me that I forgot to blog about my pregnancy!  haha

Where to start?

I was so excited because for the first couple weeks I felt great...and I was so thankful that I wasn't going to be one of those that got sick...But I spoke too soon!  I ended up having the worst morning, noon, and night sickness EVER!  I was sick ALL THE TIME for over 4 months!  I had to get a RX to try to control it.  The first meds didn't work...the so they had to give me stronger meds.  These meds were so strong that you couldn't take them while you were working or driving or anything. So I had to take off work for a while until I could at least stand being sick just long enough to work, then I would come home, take the meds, and be in bed by atleast 7pm.  Those were rough months!  I ended up losing 20 lbs, dropped to under 100 lbs.  NOT FUN!  There are still things I can't eat or drink because they remind me of how sick I was.  I tried everything under the sun to feel better, prego pops, sea bands....anything and everything people told me to try, i would try.  For the longest time I lived on milk alone.  Food made me sick..and water made me sicker than anything.  for Derrick and my first anniversary I was sick...and at the lake.  So while everyone was out having fun, I was in the camper, SICK.  OH well...

Once I got the sickness under control, I felt great! Gained my weight back pretty fast.  LIke 7 lbs per dr visit. after a while they told me i needed to slow down on the weight gain.  haha But i wasn't eating any more than normal..actually less than normal  (what they didn't know is I had a huge baby in me!)

I ended up gaining 35 lbs, which is about the most they wanted me to gain.  I wore my clothes for as long as I could.  Wore my pants with safety pens and rubber bands keeping them fastened...wore any shirts that I could stretch, or that were "baby doll" like shirts.  Finally about half way thru, I had to suck it up and get some maternity clothes...thank God my friend Becky gave me all of hers so I didn't have to buy much.

The hardest part is when people started telling me I had the "pregnant face" or "pregnant nose" haha basially they were saying I finally looked fat.  But I dind't really mind... I kinda liked getting bigger.

Towards the end Carter would kick so hard that I would have rib shaped bruises on my ribs...

People thought I was exaggerating when I said he was taking up my whole stomach.  From the very bottom of my gut, to up in my throat!  and he really was...being as long as he was and as small as I was, no one knew how I had him in me.  But I knew he would be big!

After I got used to not being able to sleep on my back, I slept pretty good.  well as good as a pregnant girl can sleep! haha

Based on how sick I was...I swore up and down I would never have another kid.  And then after how painful my delivery was, I swore again I would never have another kid.  People told me I would forget all of that.  I have NOT forgotten, but I think I would do it all over again for another little bundle of joy!  :)

I think that basically wraps up all the important parts to my lovely pregnancy.  And now, to end with the fantastic pics! haha

 Left picture is right after we found out we were pregnant, so 4 weeks along. and the right picture I was 31 weeks...the next is the LAST picture I ever got pregnant.

I took this picture just for the heck of it, the day before Carter came.  January 7, 2011 right before I went to work for the last time...   :(  who knew this would be the last picture I would get of my belly!

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