Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Love dare-day 39

Love Endures
Love never fails. – 1 Corinthians 13:8
Of all the things love dares to do, this the ultimate.  Though threatened, it keeps pursuing.  Though challenged, it keeps moving forward.  Though mistreated and rejected, it refuses to give up.
Love never fails.
Many times when a marriage is in crisis, the spouse who is trying to make things work will go to the other, declaring in no uncertain terms that no matter what has happened in the past, he or she is committed to this marriage.  Their love can be counted on to last.  They promise.  But not wanting to hear this yet, the other spouse holds their position.  They still want out.  They don’t see this marriage lasting long-term.  Nor do they even want it to anymore.
The partner who has just laid his or her heart on the line, extending the olive branch, can’t handle the rejection.  So they withdraw their statement.  “Fine.  If that’s the way you want it, that’s the way it’ll be.”
But if love is really love, it doesn’t waffle when it’s not received the way you want it to be.  If love can be told to quit loving, then it’s not really love.  Love that is from God is unending, unstoppable.  If the object of its affection doesn’t choose to receive it, love keeps giving anyway.
Love never fails.
That’s what Jesus’ love is like.  His disciples were nothing if not unpredictable.  After their final Passover meal together, when Jesus told them they would all forsake Him before the night was over, Peter declared, “Even though all may fall away because of You, I will never fall away … Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You” (Matthew 26:33, 35).  All the other disciples echoed the very same promise.
But later that night, Jesus’ inner circle of followers – Peter, James, and John – would sleep through Christ’s agony in the garden.  On the way to Christ’s crucifixion, Peter would deny Him three times in the courtyard.  But at the precise moment, the Bible says Jesus “turned and looked” at him (Luke 22:61).  His men had failed Him – again – within hours of their sworn promises.  Yet He never stopped loving them, because He and His love are “the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).
When you have done everything within your power to obey God, your spouse may still forsake you and walk away – just as Jesus’ followers did to Him.  But if your marriage fails, if your spouse walks away, let it not be because you gave up or stopped loving them.
Love never fails.
Of the nine “fruits of the Spirit” listed in Galatians 5, the first of all is love.  And because the unchanging Holy Spirit is its source – the same Holy Spirit who dwells in the hearts of all believers – then the love He creates in you is unchanging as well.  It is based on the will of God, the calling of God, and the Word of God – all unchanging things. The Bible declares them “irrevocable” (Romans 11:29).  “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away” (Luke 21:33).
Only a few days ago you were Love Dared to build your marriage on the Word of God.  That’s because when all else fails, the truth of God will still be standing.  Along the way you have also been dared to be patient, to be unselfish, to sacrifice for your mate’s needs.
These are not just loving ideas, existing in isolation.  Each quality of love outlined in this book is based on the love of God, captured and expressed in the Word of God.  The unchanging Word of God.  No challenge or circumstance can occur that will ever put an expiration date on Him or His love.  Therefore, your love – made of the same substance – bears the same, unchanging characteristics.
Love never fails.
So today your dare is to put your unfailing love into the most powerful, personal words you can.  This is your chance to declare that no matter what imperfections exist – both in you and in your spouse – your love is greater still.  No matter what they’ve done or how often they’ve done it, you choose to love them anyway.  Though you’ve been far from steady in your treatment of them over the years, your days of being inconsistent in love are over.  You accept this one man or woman as God’s special gift to you, and you promise to love them until death.
You’re saying to your spouse, “Even if you don’t like what you’re reading – even if you don’t like me – I choose to love you anyway.  Forever.”
Because love never fails.
Today’s Dare
Spend time in personal prayer, then write a letter of commitment and resolve to your spouse.  Include why you are committing to this marriage until death, and that you have purposed to love them no matter what.  Leave it in a place that your mate will find it.

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