Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dont blink

It seems if you blink you wi totally miss your kid grow up! He has already changed and learned so much! He willbe threemonths old in three days! Just can't believe it! I feel like i just told everyone I was pregnant! Just inthe last week carter has learned to hold his head up pretty well, will finally lay on his tummy for a while, puts himself back to sleep, is sleeping in his room and today almost rolled over! It's so funto watch himfigure things out! You can see the excitement inhis eyes! This maysoynd simple but on his bouncy seat ate three animals hanging from it. In the beginning he would only look at the purple hippo on the right. He basically only turned his head to the right. And now he has a horrible flat spot. In the last few weeks he has been turning more to the left. Sleeping more on the back of his head instead of right side. And he started looking more at the lion that is in the middle on the bouncy seat. And this week he has been sleeping more on his left side and playing with the monkey on the left of thebouncy seat. It's an amazing feeling to see your kid make progress! He is just so happy allthe time! Well with me and Derrick he is. He is pretty shy with other people. But that's ok. I was super shy as a kid and I grew out of it. I just can't believe that every day I wake up loving him more and every day he gives me a new reason to love him. And let me just say, he is getting cuter and cuter and has the biggest smile I have ever seen!! It's just a good day! Derrick is enjoying himself at the rangers game and I am enjoying the quiet at home. Carters naps have been getting longer so I actually have time to cook, cleanand relax. I love my job!!

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