Friday, April 8, 2011


Wow! Satan has really been trying to get to me for the last few weeks!  He is so strong!  But God is stronger.  God has helped me in so many ways!  He is an amazing Father!

Carter seems to be learning so much so fast!  Just in the last couple days he has learned to reach and grab things hanging over him, learned to hold his head up while on his belly, and can almost roll over!  It almost makes me cry to see him learning so fast, but I love it!
This picture cracks me up!  He gets so excited when he does new things but then can't relax to put his head down! haha poor kid.  I will admit tho, my favorite face he makes is the "im about to cry" pouty lip!

Well last night my folks came over and ordered pizza and we all just relaxed and watched American Idol.  My dad and Derrick swear they will never watch it again since Pia went home.  Ha this is the first year that I haven't really gotten into it.  Guess I am just busy with little Carter man.

He slept for almost 11 hours last night.  Amazing!  Things just keep getting better.  We were giving him a bath at 9 and he would be asleep by 10 and up  by 6.  But now, we give him a bath at 8. Asleep by 9 at the latests and up around 7.  Life is great.  He is starting to put himself back to sleep a lot better when he wakes up during naps.  And normally after his first bottle of the morning I put him back to sleep and he will sleep for atleast another hour.  But this morning I just put him in his bed and after 30 min of him talking to himself and playing with his tongue. He put himself to sleep.  I think I will start doing that in the morning so he can learn to put himself to sleep all the time.  Man wouldn't that be great?! :)

I have also decided that I am going to not spend so much time on Facebook.  I noticed Carter trying to get my attention the other day while I was checking my page and that about broke my heart.  Derrick and I went to eat one time and saw a family of three and both parents were on their phones and the kid kept trying to get their attention.  That will NOT be us!  So I have started deleting a few friends. And I am going to attempt to stop getting on it so much. That will also spare me any unneeded drama.  And I gave Derrick my Ipod last night so that I couldn't play on facebook when i couldn't sleep and guess what?  I actually slept.  With no benadryl! haha  Pretty good night.

This weekend is going to be so great!  Tonight we are going to my folks to eat and Brady and "kissa" will be there.  And then tomorrow I am going to clean clean clean, cuz Uncle Dustin and Aunt Karen are coming over.  It has been TOOO long since we got to hang out with JUST them! :)  It will be a good time.

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