Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday

What a good day! Carter woke up earlier than normal this morning and was tough getting back to sleep so I kinda started my day with a bad attitude. Derrick was at the ranger game having a good time and I was "stuck" at home watching Carter, like always. But I did my love dare for the day and god changed my attitude. Carter was great! Took long naps, was extra happy and we just had a good time! I even had time to clean the bathroom and pick up around the house. AND I got the bassinet out of our room. I think I am the only mom that was past ready to get her baby out of her room! Also, I put Carter in his bouncy seat and I look over at him and he was concentrating so hard on the silly hippo!! He was focusing on hitting the hippo. It was so cute. He would touch it, get excited and go back to being serious until he touched it again. This kid just cracks me up!! If I fake laugh, he laughs!! And bath time, man he loves it!! Oh and the last two nights have proven that he can not stay up longer than an hour and half. Man he gets mad!! Anyways, Derrick had a great time at the rangers game. I'm so glad he got to go!! Great seats, dollar hotdogs, it couldn't get any better!! Oh wait! Yes it can! Mr lucky caught a foul ball! He was and still is super excited. That's all he has talked about al night. It's so cute to see him all excited. He can't wait till Carter is old enough to go to games with him. Carter will love it! And Derrick surprised me and Carter with ranger shirts! What a good hubby and daddy! So over all it was a great day. I will say, the devil is a sneaky dude! He likes to throw things at you that he knows will upset you, just to ruin your day and throw you off track. Something happened that really upset me this evening but then I realized the devil is messing with me! I am focusing on my life with Christ, my lovely little family and all the people that care about me. On that note... Night night


  1. Well my wonderful Wednesday isn't so wonderful now. Tried to post this on Facebook and I have been reported as spam and abusive by one if my friends! Thanks alot!! Blog will be set as private again!


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