Thursday, July 28, 2011

Slow Day...

Well, at least it feels slow compared to the last two days.

Wednesday we had Carter's six month check up at Dr. Peter's office.  It was the first time we have seen Dr. Peters.  WE LOVE HER!  I am so thankful that they took us as patients (no one else would take us since Carter wasn't a newborn).  I was almost in tears the whole time we were there because I loved it so much.  You never really know how good something is unless you had something not so good before it.  The doctor was extremely impressed by Carter's size.  She said "we like big babies" haha.  He was 29 1/4 inces long and 19 lbs 25 oz.  ANd the best part...they gave us a little sticker with all that info written on it.  THe other dr didn't do that.  So I hve no idea how big he was at his other appointments.  :(  The really funny part is Carter was happy the whole time we were there, until we put him on the table.  He didn't like the paper I guess.  He started crying like he has never cried before. So I had to pick him up and calm him down.  Silly boy.  ANd then when it was time for shots (I left the room) he was crying before they even gave them to him because he had to lay on the paper again...haha   Derrick said he dind't even react to the shots because he was already crying so hard. 

Then Thursday, we drove to Addison for another appointment at Star Cranial.  I love the people there and the way they treat Carter, only bad part is we are only there for like 15 min. So we drive a total of 5 hours almost to see them for 15 min.  UGH oh well.  THey are impressed with how much he is growing.  In 4 weeks we get to do another scan to see how much he had improved.  We can already see a crazy difference.  Hoping they tell us when they expect him to get it off.

And then last night, because Carter crashed in the car at like 6, he wasn't very tired for bed.  But we wanted to stick to our routine.  So we let him stay up about 30 min longer than normal.  Normally we give him a bottle and that makes him tired so he goes right to sleep.  BUt last night, he wasn't having anything to do with sleeping! haha  So after about 30 min of trying to get him to sleep, we gave up and decided that we might as well start the CIO method now.  We have been planning to start that soon, but our schedule has been working so good! haha  So we let him lay there and talk and play and after about 15 min he started to get upset.  And after about a min of crying, he went straight to sleep. I hope every night is that easy.  I will never complain because Carter has been soooo good about teaching new things.  After a few days he always catches on to whatever part of life we are changing for him.  Sleep schedule, feeding schedule, not being swaddled. He has just been the best baby!

Well now to Coupons... Derrick went on a little shopping trip for me the other day.  Went to Pier One and got an awesome 6 candle  holder thing and a huge bag of tea lights all for $1.50!!  HOW?  Because I had a $10 off coupon if you spend $10 or more! haha so he spent just barely over the $10 mark.

And then...he went to Target and got two boxes of Ziploc bags and a pair of jeans for me, all for $5!!!!  HOW YOU ASK?!  I had TWO $1 off coupons for the bags (and they were on sale) and then I had a $3 coupon off for the jeans (and they were on sale for $4.98). 

The hint...just make sure the items you have coupons for are on sale FIRST!  :)

And today...well today hasn't been as busy.  I worked at the Daycare for a couple hours this morning and now I am doing housework because my inlaws are coming over for dinner.  For those of you that know me...Since having Carter I am an extreme clean freak.  Its crazy!  I cannot stand to have my house and especially my kitchen dirty! haha  Also today, I plan to get rid of MORE of my clothes.  I have decided that its time to be a full fledged mommy and get rid of my little girl clothes! haha  Easier said than done.

And this weekend...MORE BABY FOOD!  Carter has already eaten all of the food I made for him, so now its time to make more.  And different kinds.  YAY!

Carter is napping right now so I am taking this time to go over my coupons, see whats on sale, clean and try to squeeze in lunch.  I love days like today!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lists, Lists, and More Lists

I have realized that I basically MAKE myself more work than is needed most of the time.  HA  Oh well

So this morning I wake up at 6 am, because Carter woke up BEFORE THAT (he now will no longer sleep past 6) and as I laid there praying Carter would go back to sleep, all the things that I needed to do started filling my mind.

So I am going to make a TO DO LIST, on my blog, just for myself.  That way I can make sure I didnt forget something and THAT WAY I will hopefully sleep better at night.

1) Go thru Carter's clothes and bag up stuff that is to small.
2) Clean out the inside of Derrick's Car (and outside if time)
3) Finish Dishes
4) Put up Laundry
5) Get Supper stuff out
6) Organize Fridge
7) Sweep (mop if time)
8) Finish Organizing Coupons
9) Price Mini Freezers
10) Start working on Next Shopping trip

Ok.  So from 8-10 I worked at the Daycare. Played. Fed Carter at 11.  Played.  By 11:30 I had #1 finished.  Put Carter down at Noon.  Now to go work on Derrick's car.  Bad thing is ITS HOT!  Check back in with ya later.  Oh and just a reminder to myself.  Need to share how our mini shopping trip went last night.

WOW!  Its super hot out there. Pretty sure I just sweat like 20 lbs off!  Ok so thirty min later, Derrick's Care is kinda clean. NOT THE OUTSIDE...its too hot out there.  It took thirty min just to take the trash out and vacuum a little.  YES IT WAS GROSS! So #2 is done! No on to the dishes...But I think I will eat first.
Well, while my hot pockets cooked (yes, very healthy food! NOT), I went ahead and organized the fridge.  So #6 is done! But I think WHILE I eat, I will work on my coupons.  Gotta take advantage of times that C is asleep!!

2:33 and I have everything done except : Laundry, Sweeping, pricing for freezers, and starting my shopping list.  Not bad, eh?  oh and I should price ceiling fans..ours fried.  :(

Freezers are NOT cheap!  Come one people!  I just need a freezer, so I can really coupon shop!  My freezer is PACKED!  Because Albertson's had such good sales on meat, that is all that is in my freezer!

Last night, Derrick and I spent an hour and half in Walmart, just pricing everything.  When you normally buy the off brand of food, sometimes the coupon for the name brand stuff dont make it any cheaper than what yuo would normally buy. So we wrote down prices for almost everything!  It was crazy.  But good to have!  So after that we went to Target.  They had a dozen eggs on sale for $1.39 which was like 20 cents cheaper than walmart. ha Not tha tmuch cheaper, but still, cheaper.  But there were only a few packs left adn they were all broke. NEVERMIND.  We got two boxes of granola bars.  They were on sale for $2.33 and I have a dollar off, which made them $1.83 each.  The off brand at walmart is like 2.15 is.  We also got some yogurt cups (derrick loves them).  They were on sale for $0.60. (about $0.79 everywhere else)  But I had a coupon for $0.40 off if you buy atleast 6.  So we got six of them and got them for $0.53 each.  Pretty good! Thats about a quarter cheaper than at most places. We also got some Lysol wipes.  I use these like crazy. Best way for me to kep my house clean. I have priced these everywhere! The normal price is about $2.  At the Family Dollar the are $2.75 and at Dollar General they were $2.50.  At Walmart they were $2.48.  (a lot of numbers, I know, but stick with me).  Target had them for $2.29 which is the cheapest so far.  But I had a Target coupon for $0.75 off AND a Lysol coupon for $0.50 off if you bought two.  So I got two and ended up getting them for $1.67 each. AWESOME DEAL!!  

See, its great when you actually get something you NEED and would buy even if yo didn't have a coupon, but for a CHEAP price, thanks to coupons! ha

And I am writing all this while I research fans and freezers.  I am a crazy multi tasker. ha

Well I have given up on pricing...They are all expensive, so I will let the hubs make that decision! ha

And I am tired of blogging right now, well tired all around, and Carter will be asleep for a few more min, so I need to go sweep and all my chores are done, except laundry.  That can wait till tomorrow! haha 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

My First...

...argument with a cashier.

With all the couponing blogs and websites I have been reading, they all say that AT LEAST once, you will have to correct a cashier on how much they charge you.  Remember: Customer SHOULD always be right!

Today, I went to the Dollar General in Burk because I had a coupon for $5 off if you spend $25 or more. So I went in to buy a whole lot of baby wipes and anything else I might find to total up to $25.  The original plan was to just buy a lot of baby wipes.  We aren't picky on wipes, and they are super cheap there, plus with $5 off, that makes them even better.  When I got there, I noticed that they had clothes buy one get one free, as long as they have a yellow dot on the tag.  So I got Carter 4 shirts, all for $5 each. Which means, I pay $10 for 4 shirts.  Not a bad deal, right? I also needed one more pack of ice trays for Carter's baby food.  So as I am standing in line, I am adding all my items up to make sure they equal at least $25.

Wipes were $4.50 each and I got 3 packs.  So a total of $13.50.
The ice trays were $2.
Four shirts $5 each. But two were free, so $10.
And I got a magnet strip for $1.
TOTAL OF: $26.50
Plus Tax the Grand Total was $28.69
Then I had my $5 coupon..  WHICH MEANS...My FINAL TOTAL WAS... $23.69

But WAIT!  I didn't pay close enough attention to the shirts I was getting.  One of then DID NOT have a yellow dot on it.  So I had to have them take that off and correct it after I went and found a yellow dot item.  Ok good...all fixed.  Well, I get to the car and start adding things up.  They charged me $28.69 and no where on the receipt did it show they took off the $5 coupon!!  So, yes, I went back in and had them look at it.  The lady that checked me out had ZERO idea what was going on.  I explained and she just didn't get it. So another guy came over to help...and in the end, I got my money back PLUS a little more.... Why?  hahaha Because the guy thought that they charged me for a shirt when they shouldn't have.  But that isn't what happened, they just didn't take the $5 off for the coupon.  So instead of getting $5 back. I got the price of a shirt.  $5.41.  So for just a little trouble and a little embarrassment (my first time having to use a coupon and then having to correct the employee) I actually MADE money! haha

Not bad for my first time. 

Oh let me also tell you all...If you haven't been to Albertson's. YOU NEED TO GO!  Some of their meat is buy one get TWO free... GOOD DEALS!  Also, Chips, Cereal, all kinds of things are buy one get one free.  And if you like Capri Sun drinks.  They are normally $2 at all stores.  They are $0.99 there! HURRY!

Oh and...I found $50 in one of my wallets!  YAHOO!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Positive Attitude

As I sit here, trying to decide how to start this blog entry...I can barely concentrate because I am so hungry!  Carter has been waking up at 5:55 the last few mornings.  I really hope this isn't a new schedule for him!  This mom CAN NOT function that early in the morning.  But then again I said that about 6:30 and now I miss 6:30 am! haha  But when you are awake at 5:55, by the time its 8:41 you have already had almost a full day!  So THAT Is why I am starving...I need me some breakfast!  I REALLY REALLY REALLY want a donut!  So bad!  And I could easily get in the car, go thru the donut shop drive thru, get me a nice big Chocolate Long John with Cream Filling and swallow it whole.  But now, I am going to have my cherrios and juice and get over it!  Last night I "NEEDED" a cookie, or something fudgy or something that had some form of icing.  But I resisted...but then satan took over and I had two hotpockets AFTER I ate dinner! haha  Trying to change the way you eat is so hard.  Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail. But atleast I am trying.  Its all for Carter.  I want to make sure that I am healthy so that I can be around for a long long time!  I just wish the people in my life would feel the same way and eat better.  Its hard to eat good when all the people around you eat horrible.  So I have basically no one to hold me accountable for what I eat...or to make sure I am exercising or anything...UGH! haha

Ok enough about that.  I have noticed lately that I want so badly to help everyone and to do as much as I can for others that I become a little pushy.  I dont mean to, I just want to help. But I guess I should just wait till people ask me for help. I am the type that likes to get stuff done NOW and RIGHT.  So pretty sure that is why I am so pushy.  I can't stand it when people wait to get stuff done.  I have no idea where all of this is coming from.  Just a thought that came to me.

As I finished that thought, I realized, no one cares about all this! haha  For those of you that read this, why do you read this?! haha  Its so boring.

Couponing:  Well I have done much the last few days.  I haven't really seen any good deals.  But I did get some more coupons from my in laws and my MIL gave me this cool little folder thing to hold all of them in.  I get so excited over little things. HA  But as I continue to do the couponing, I am going to keep you all updated so that if any of you want to do it, you can! YAY!

Carter has slept ALL NIGHT the last two nights.  Yes, he has been doing this since he was 2 months old, but now he is NOT SWADDLED!  I never thought we would get here.  He just sprawls out in this little footy pjs and goes to sleep. I love it. 

Well its Friday, just another day for me...but the really cool part is we dont have plans tonight.  I would LOVE to put carter to bed early, rent a movie and just relax. But we all know that wont happen.  I will probably end up going over to my dad's new rent house to help fix it up (see, I do things like this when I am free, so really I am never free).  Saturday we are having my brother's birthday party...pretty sure he is going to be 23.  That just seems crazy to me!  but then again, i am almost 30! WHAT?!  lol ok almost 27, but might as well be 30.  Sunday we try to do a whole lotta nothing.  But then next week starts a not so fun week!  We have Carter's six month appointment on Tuesday, which means shots.  I hate those things.  For some reason the last few shots, bothered me, but he was a baby baby so in my head, he didn't blame me.  But now he is a "big boy" and I am afraid he is going to get really upset, and mad because he knows we took him there to get hurt.  Oh the joys of being a parent.  But then on Wed we have to drive to Addison again for another helmet appointment.  I pray that they tell us he is still growing really fast.  Because that means we get to get rid of that thing faster.  Those two days basically ruin the whole week...because we spend Monday getting prepared for it, and then Thursday trying to recoop.

Well Carter is napping right now and all of a sudden my brain shut off, so I think I will wrap this up.  LATER

WAIT! I just realized I titled this Positive Attitude, but never explained why.  Lately things have really been getting me down. And I think they have been getting worse because I am tired and well, I ponder on it and basically make things worse.  So I have decided, i am going to use all my strength to have a positive attitude, no matter what.  Easier said than done! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


What a day!

Carter woke up a few times last night, and Derrick has decided to start snoring like crazy lately, so this mommy and wife didn't get much sleep last night.  And THAT caused 6:15 am to seem much much earlier.  On the days that Carter wakes up and we aren't completely ready to wake up yet, I take Carter and we cuddle in the recliner and watch a little mickey mouse until we have had time to wake up.  I wont lie, I will wake up at any hour if we can keep doing that.  I love it!

Carter has started to hug now and it almost makes me cry every time.  He will just look at me and then throw his arm around my next or over my shoulder and squeeze.  Best thing ever! 

So today we did our normal morning routine, except we didn't go to "work" like we normally do because I had to work later that afternoon and well, I wanted some Carter time!!  So we hung out at the house until 11.  That is when Grammy and Granddad came over to watch Carter while I went to work.  Went to work...hahaha.  That sounds funny.  I went to the Plex with the daycare because they needed an extra worker.  It was pretty fun. I drove a big van and walked with the kids while they played putt putt and then games.  Now that I have a kid, I understand them a little better...and I think it is making me a more relaxed person because I can see how small things are so exciting to little kids.  There was this one little boy that looked JUST like Derrick when he was little and so I knew that his is what Carter will look like in five years.  He was so stinkin cute!!! I just watched him play and laugh and got a little teary eyed. haha   Oh the things motherhood will do to you.  I cry over almost everything now! Its ridiculous!!!!

I got home after being gone for almost four hours and well, Carter really didn't care that I was home.  He was having too much fun with his play dates!  He had a great time with Grammy and Granddad and I think they had just as much fun! 

As soon as Daddy got home, we loaded up to go see the other grandparents! ha They asked us over for supper.  Carter is so funny.  While we were eating, he was screaming.  Not because something was wrong.  He wasn't crying.  Just screaming.  Why? Because he wanted our attention.  ALL of our attention! haha And of course we gave it to him.  He has Pappy and Nonny wrapped around his finger! I love it!   Pretty sure Uncle Brady even likes him a little.

FINALLY, bath, bottle, and bed.  As much as I love my little boy...I love that time of the night because it means I get a few min of quiet before sleep and before another day starts.  So right now, I am playing, shopping and blogging while Derrick plays his video games.  He seriously never gets to do that any more. Both while we eat our yogurt cups! ha And the really funny, and sweet part was that he asked me if it was ok if he played. haha  Well of course!  He is such a good hubby.  And an amazing Daddy.  Its so great seeing him look at Carter and seeing how much love he has for him.  Almost as much love as I have...because, well...I did carry the kid for 9 months!  We have a pretty close bond! haha  I joke about that, but I have noticed lately, no matter who is holding him, he still looks to see if I am there.  I LOVE IT!!!!  Pretty sure he actually likes me.  The feeling that this little person that you MADE loves you as much as you love him...that feeling is indescribable.  And only other parents will know how that feels.  Its so much stronger than any love you will ever know.  And see...typing that made me cry! I have accepted that I will never again be the person I was.  I am now and forever more emotional... much much more emotional.  Just ask Derrick.  My body will never look the same. Ever. And my house will never be quiet.  But I love it all!! 

So tomorrow is going to be just as crazy.  As I typed that sentence I thought, what was crazy about today?  People who read this wont think my day was that crazy.  But those of you that have or have had little kids....Just getting out of routine is crazy enough! ha  Anyways...tomorrow we have some things to do "in town" and then going over to Grammy and Granddad's for supper ( you will all start to notice that my folks and my in laws no longer have names...they are now, Pappy, Nonny, Grammy and Granddad! ha).
THEN>>>> its friday!!!  That doesnt mean much to me, all my days are the same except this means Derrick is home for a few days.

And well...the rest of the week and weekend are packed full...but I just got super tired and so that means...Bed time for this MOMMY!  Gotta be up and awake and happy in...about 8.5 hours.  ATLEAST!

Night yall... and for those new mommies that are still trying to figure out your "new life"...every day gets a little easier and a little more stressful in all new ways.  BUT enjoy flies by!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Jobs

As if being a stay at home mom isn't enough...

I have now accepted a job at Dalton's Kiddie Korral working on their bookkeeping and records.  Along with feeling in if ever needed.

I have also accepted the personal job of saving us money by clipping coupons.  I watch the Extreme Couponing on TLC and I am obsessed!!!  I want to get free stuff so bad!

Along with all of that, I have accepted the face that a stay at home mom is supposed to clean, cook and be basically awesome in every way possible!

So...I have made sure my house is clean at all times, we always have clean clothes to wear, and there is NEVER a dirty dish in the sink (that drives me crazy).

Also, I have always liked to bake, but now I am going crazy... making things left and right.  I just made homemade potato chips yesterday.  Turned out really good.

And I have made sure we are having a REAL supper most nights.  No more of this eating out mess. Both of our blood pressure and cholesterol is need to eat better.

And that alone is another job...eating healthier.  Its hard!!

With all of that said, I want to tell of you whats new in our life, since I haven't updated in a while.

Carter is now 6 months old and doing GREAT!!   He has had his helmet on for a month now and he loves it.  He really doesn't even seem to notice he has it on, except for when we take it off.  We have his name on the front of it with Stickers and Uncle Shane and his girfriend Bobbi, got us an awesome sticker that we have on the back that says "fixin my flat".  We love it!

He is also rolling all over the place...sitting up on his own and eating baby food...tons of it!  More than he is actually supposed to based on what I read.  Oh well.  We are seeing a new pediatrician in a week.  THe old one, well...i liked her..but she didn't seem to know much about babies.   So I guess the new pedi will tell us if he is eating too much or not.  But he loves that baby food.  ANd I am so glad that I am making it myself because that would add up fast!

Speaking of baby food...that is a good way to lead into my next topic.  Coupons!  I have started clipping coupons and I am determined to save us money as best as I can.  So I sent derrick to the store with a list and the coupons.  The total bill was $150 and we spent $78.  So a total saving of $72.  Granted the items, we didn't need right now, so that is money we didn't NEED to spend right now, but they were items that we can hold on till we need them and we wont have to spend money then, when we needed it.  So...I saved us money in the future.  :)  That is what couponing is all about.  Buying things when they are dirt cheap..and stockpiling.  LOVE IT. this trip, we got 2 packs of steaks and got 4 free! One pack of pork chops and one free. On meat alone we saved $60. 5 Hot pockets for $10 (pretty good price), 4 Big boxes of cereal for $10 and a $2 coupon so really it was $8 for the cereal, when normally 4 boxes of cereal would have cost ATLEAST $13. And then, we got 10 packs of frozen veggies for $1 each.  That is mainly for Carter's baby food...and for supper some nights.  :)   The hard part about couponing is in our area, no stores will double coupons or let you stack coupons.  They will let you use one store coupon and one manufact coupon.  That is good, but not as good as it could be if we lived in a bigger area. 

So, I plan to blog more often about the couponing..that way if any of you are wanting to learn, we can learn together.  Heck if any of you want to do it WITH me...come on over!  We can clip, look thru ads and go shop!! YAY

WAIT!  the best deal I have found so far.... If you buy a wonka bar at target, you get a coupon for a free one!  use that coupon and you get another free one! haha and it keeps going!  We bought one yesterday and then used the free coupon.  Today we got two more free ones and another coupon! haha  The store is out of candy right now, but we WILL be back tomorrow! haha