Monday, July 25, 2011

Lists, Lists, and More Lists

I have realized that I basically MAKE myself more work than is needed most of the time.  HA  Oh well

So this morning I wake up at 6 am, because Carter woke up BEFORE THAT (he now will no longer sleep past 6) and as I laid there praying Carter would go back to sleep, all the things that I needed to do started filling my mind.

So I am going to make a TO DO LIST, on my blog, just for myself.  That way I can make sure I didnt forget something and THAT WAY I will hopefully sleep better at night.

1) Go thru Carter's clothes and bag up stuff that is to small.
2) Clean out the inside of Derrick's Car (and outside if time)
3) Finish Dishes
4) Put up Laundry
5) Get Supper stuff out
6) Organize Fridge
7) Sweep (mop if time)
8) Finish Organizing Coupons
9) Price Mini Freezers
10) Start working on Next Shopping trip

Ok.  So from 8-10 I worked at the Daycare. Played. Fed Carter at 11.  Played.  By 11:30 I had #1 finished.  Put Carter down at Noon.  Now to go work on Derrick's car.  Bad thing is ITS HOT!  Check back in with ya later.  Oh and just a reminder to myself.  Need to share how our mini shopping trip went last night.

WOW!  Its super hot out there. Pretty sure I just sweat like 20 lbs off!  Ok so thirty min later, Derrick's Care is kinda clean. NOT THE OUTSIDE...its too hot out there.  It took thirty min just to take the trash out and vacuum a little.  YES IT WAS GROSS! So #2 is done! No on to the dishes...But I think I will eat first.
Well, while my hot pockets cooked (yes, very healthy food! NOT), I went ahead and organized the fridge.  So #6 is done! But I think WHILE I eat, I will work on my coupons.  Gotta take advantage of times that C is asleep!!

2:33 and I have everything done except : Laundry, Sweeping, pricing for freezers, and starting my shopping list.  Not bad, eh?  oh and I should price ceiling fans..ours fried.  :(

Freezers are NOT cheap!  Come one people!  I just need a freezer, so I can really coupon shop!  My freezer is PACKED!  Because Albertson's had such good sales on meat, that is all that is in my freezer!

Last night, Derrick and I spent an hour and half in Walmart, just pricing everything.  When you normally buy the off brand of food, sometimes the coupon for the name brand stuff dont make it any cheaper than what yuo would normally buy. So we wrote down prices for almost everything!  It was crazy.  But good to have!  So after that we went to Target.  They had a dozen eggs on sale for $1.39 which was like 20 cents cheaper than walmart. ha Not tha tmuch cheaper, but still, cheaper.  But there were only a few packs left adn they were all broke. NEVERMIND.  We got two boxes of granola bars.  They were on sale for $2.33 and I have a dollar off, which made them $1.83 each.  The off brand at walmart is like 2.15 is.  We also got some yogurt cups (derrick loves them).  They were on sale for $0.60. (about $0.79 everywhere else)  But I had a coupon for $0.40 off if you buy atleast 6.  So we got six of them and got them for $0.53 each.  Pretty good! Thats about a quarter cheaper than at most places. We also got some Lysol wipes.  I use these like crazy. Best way for me to kep my house clean. I have priced these everywhere! The normal price is about $2.  At the Family Dollar the are $2.75 and at Dollar General they were $2.50.  At Walmart they were $2.48.  (a lot of numbers, I know, but stick with me).  Target had them for $2.29 which is the cheapest so far.  But I had a Target coupon for $0.75 off AND a Lysol coupon for $0.50 off if you bought two.  So I got two and ended up getting them for $1.67 each. AWESOME DEAL!!  

See, its great when you actually get something you NEED and would buy even if yo didn't have a coupon, but for a CHEAP price, thanks to coupons! ha

And I am writing all this while I research fans and freezers.  I am a crazy multi tasker. ha

Well I have given up on pricing...They are all expensive, so I will let the hubs make that decision! ha

And I am tired of blogging right now, well tired all around, and Carter will be asleep for a few more min, so I need to go sweep and all my chores are done, except laundry.  That can wait till tomorrow! haha 

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