Thursday, July 28, 2011

Slow Day...

Well, at least it feels slow compared to the last two days.

Wednesday we had Carter's six month check up at Dr. Peter's office.  It was the first time we have seen Dr. Peters.  WE LOVE HER!  I am so thankful that they took us as patients (no one else would take us since Carter wasn't a newborn).  I was almost in tears the whole time we were there because I loved it so much.  You never really know how good something is unless you had something not so good before it.  The doctor was extremely impressed by Carter's size.  She said "we like big babies" haha.  He was 29 1/4 inces long and 19 lbs 25 oz.  ANd the best part...they gave us a little sticker with all that info written on it.  THe other dr didn't do that.  So I hve no idea how big he was at his other appointments.  :(  The really funny part is Carter was happy the whole time we were there, until we put him on the table.  He didn't like the paper I guess.  He started crying like he has never cried before. So I had to pick him up and calm him down.  Silly boy.  ANd then when it was time for shots (I left the room) he was crying before they even gave them to him because he had to lay on the paper again...haha   Derrick said he dind't even react to the shots because he was already crying so hard. 

Then Thursday, we drove to Addison for another appointment at Star Cranial.  I love the people there and the way they treat Carter, only bad part is we are only there for like 15 min. So we drive a total of 5 hours almost to see them for 15 min.  UGH oh well.  THey are impressed with how much he is growing.  In 4 weeks we get to do another scan to see how much he had improved.  We can already see a crazy difference.  Hoping they tell us when they expect him to get it off.

And then last night, because Carter crashed in the car at like 6, he wasn't very tired for bed.  But we wanted to stick to our routine.  So we let him stay up about 30 min longer than normal.  Normally we give him a bottle and that makes him tired so he goes right to sleep.  BUt last night, he wasn't having anything to do with sleeping! haha  So after about 30 min of trying to get him to sleep, we gave up and decided that we might as well start the CIO method now.  We have been planning to start that soon, but our schedule has been working so good! haha  So we let him lay there and talk and play and after about 15 min he started to get upset.  And after about a min of crying, he went straight to sleep. I hope every night is that easy.  I will never complain because Carter has been soooo good about teaching new things.  After a few days he always catches on to whatever part of life we are changing for him.  Sleep schedule, feeding schedule, not being swaddled. He has just been the best baby!

Well now to Coupons... Derrick went on a little shopping trip for me the other day.  Went to Pier One and got an awesome 6 candle  holder thing and a huge bag of tea lights all for $1.50!!  HOW?  Because I had a $10 off coupon if you spend $10 or more! haha so he spent just barely over the $10 mark.

And then...he went to Target and got two boxes of Ziploc bags and a pair of jeans for me, all for $5!!!!  HOW YOU ASK?!  I had TWO $1 off coupons for the bags (and they were on sale) and then I had a $3 coupon off for the jeans (and they were on sale for $4.98). 

The hint...just make sure the items you have coupons for are on sale FIRST!  :)

And today...well today hasn't been as busy.  I worked at the Daycare for a couple hours this morning and now I am doing housework because my inlaws are coming over for dinner.  For those of you that know me...Since having Carter I am an extreme clean freak.  Its crazy!  I cannot stand to have my house and especially my kitchen dirty! haha  Also today, I plan to get rid of MORE of my clothes.  I have decided that its time to be a full fledged mommy and get rid of my little girl clothes! haha  Easier said than done.

And this weekend...MORE BABY FOOD!  Carter has already eaten all of the food I made for him, so now its time to make more.  And different kinds.  YAY!

Carter is napping right now so I am taking this time to go over my coupons, see whats on sale, clean and try to squeeze in lunch.  I love days like today!

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