Saturday, July 23, 2011

My First...

...argument with a cashier.

With all the couponing blogs and websites I have been reading, they all say that AT LEAST once, you will have to correct a cashier on how much they charge you.  Remember: Customer SHOULD always be right!

Today, I went to the Dollar General in Burk because I had a coupon for $5 off if you spend $25 or more. So I went in to buy a whole lot of baby wipes and anything else I might find to total up to $25.  The original plan was to just buy a lot of baby wipes.  We aren't picky on wipes, and they are super cheap there, plus with $5 off, that makes them even better.  When I got there, I noticed that they had clothes buy one get one free, as long as they have a yellow dot on the tag.  So I got Carter 4 shirts, all for $5 each. Which means, I pay $10 for 4 shirts.  Not a bad deal, right? I also needed one more pack of ice trays for Carter's baby food.  So as I am standing in line, I am adding all my items up to make sure they equal at least $25.

Wipes were $4.50 each and I got 3 packs.  So a total of $13.50.
The ice trays were $2.
Four shirts $5 each. But two were free, so $10.
And I got a magnet strip for $1.
TOTAL OF: $26.50
Plus Tax the Grand Total was $28.69
Then I had my $5 coupon..  WHICH MEANS...My FINAL TOTAL WAS... $23.69

But WAIT!  I didn't pay close enough attention to the shirts I was getting.  One of then DID NOT have a yellow dot on it.  So I had to have them take that off and correct it after I went and found a yellow dot item.  Ok good...all fixed.  Well, I get to the car and start adding things up.  They charged me $28.69 and no where on the receipt did it show they took off the $5 coupon!!  So, yes, I went back in and had them look at it.  The lady that checked me out had ZERO idea what was going on.  I explained and she just didn't get it. So another guy came over to help...and in the end, I got my money back PLUS a little more.... Why?  hahaha Because the guy thought that they charged me for a shirt when they shouldn't have.  But that isn't what happened, they just didn't take the $5 off for the coupon.  So instead of getting $5 back. I got the price of a shirt.  $5.41.  So for just a little trouble and a little embarrassment (my first time having to use a coupon and then having to correct the employee) I actually MADE money! haha

Not bad for my first time. 

Oh let me also tell you all...If you haven't been to Albertson's. YOU NEED TO GO!  Some of their meat is buy one get TWO free... GOOD DEALS!  Also, Chips, Cereal, all kinds of things are buy one get one free.  And if you like Capri Sun drinks.  They are normally $2 at all stores.  They are $0.99 there! HURRY!

Oh and...I found $50 in one of my wallets!  YAHOO!!!

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