Wednesday, July 20, 2011


What a day!

Carter woke up a few times last night, and Derrick has decided to start snoring like crazy lately, so this mommy and wife didn't get much sleep last night.  And THAT caused 6:15 am to seem much much earlier.  On the days that Carter wakes up and we aren't completely ready to wake up yet, I take Carter and we cuddle in the recliner and watch a little mickey mouse until we have had time to wake up.  I wont lie, I will wake up at any hour if we can keep doing that.  I love it!

Carter has started to hug now and it almost makes me cry every time.  He will just look at me and then throw his arm around my next or over my shoulder and squeeze.  Best thing ever! 

So today we did our normal morning routine, except we didn't go to "work" like we normally do because I had to work later that afternoon and well, I wanted some Carter time!!  So we hung out at the house until 11.  That is when Grammy and Granddad came over to watch Carter while I went to work.  Went to work...hahaha.  That sounds funny.  I went to the Plex with the daycare because they needed an extra worker.  It was pretty fun. I drove a big van and walked with the kids while they played putt putt and then games.  Now that I have a kid, I understand them a little better...and I think it is making me a more relaxed person because I can see how small things are so exciting to little kids.  There was this one little boy that looked JUST like Derrick when he was little and so I knew that his is what Carter will look like in five years.  He was so stinkin cute!!! I just watched him play and laugh and got a little teary eyed. haha   Oh the things motherhood will do to you.  I cry over almost everything now! Its ridiculous!!!!

I got home after being gone for almost four hours and well, Carter really didn't care that I was home.  He was having too much fun with his play dates!  He had a great time with Grammy and Granddad and I think they had just as much fun! 

As soon as Daddy got home, we loaded up to go see the other grandparents! ha They asked us over for supper.  Carter is so funny.  While we were eating, he was screaming.  Not because something was wrong.  He wasn't crying.  Just screaming.  Why? Because he wanted our attention.  ALL of our attention! haha And of course we gave it to him.  He has Pappy and Nonny wrapped around his finger! I love it!   Pretty sure Uncle Brady even likes him a little.

FINALLY, bath, bottle, and bed.  As much as I love my little boy...I love that time of the night because it means I get a few min of quiet before sleep and before another day starts.  So right now, I am playing, shopping and blogging while Derrick plays his video games.  He seriously never gets to do that any more. Both while we eat our yogurt cups! ha And the really funny, and sweet part was that he asked me if it was ok if he played. haha  Well of course!  He is such a good hubby.  And an amazing Daddy.  Its so great seeing him look at Carter and seeing how much love he has for him.  Almost as much love as I have...because, well...I did carry the kid for 9 months!  We have a pretty close bond! haha  I joke about that, but I have noticed lately, no matter who is holding him, he still looks to see if I am there.  I LOVE IT!!!!  Pretty sure he actually likes me.  The feeling that this little person that you MADE loves you as much as you love him...that feeling is indescribable.  And only other parents will know how that feels.  Its so much stronger than any love you will ever know.  And see...typing that made me cry! I have accepted that I will never again be the person I was.  I am now and forever more emotional... much much more emotional.  Just ask Derrick.  My body will never look the same. Ever. And my house will never be quiet.  But I love it all!! 

So tomorrow is going to be just as crazy.  As I typed that sentence I thought, what was crazy about today?  People who read this wont think my day was that crazy.  But those of you that have or have had little kids....Just getting out of routine is crazy enough! ha  Anyways...tomorrow we have some things to do "in town" and then going over to Grammy and Granddad's for supper ( you will all start to notice that my folks and my in laws no longer have names...they are now, Pappy, Nonny, Grammy and Granddad! ha).
THEN>>>> its friday!!!  That doesnt mean much to me, all my days are the same except this means Derrick is home for a few days.

And well...the rest of the week and weekend are packed full...but I just got super tired and so that means...Bed time for this MOMMY!  Gotta be up and awake and happy in...about 8.5 hours.  ATLEAST!

Night yall... and for those new mommies that are still trying to figure out your "new life"...every day gets a little easier and a little more stressful in all new ways.  BUT enjoy flies by!

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