Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Jobs

As if being a stay at home mom isn't enough...

I have now accepted a job at Dalton's Kiddie Korral working on their bookkeeping and records.  Along with feeling in if ever needed.

I have also accepted the personal job of saving us money by clipping coupons.  I watch the Extreme Couponing on TLC and I am obsessed!!!  I want to get free stuff so bad!

Along with all of that, I have accepted the face that a stay at home mom is supposed to clean, cook and be basically awesome in every way possible!

So...I have made sure my house is clean at all times, we always have clean clothes to wear, and there is NEVER a dirty dish in the sink (that drives me crazy).

Also, I have always liked to bake, but now I am going crazy... making things left and right.  I just made homemade potato chips yesterday.  Turned out really good.

And I have made sure we are having a REAL supper most nights.  No more of this eating out mess. Both of our blood pressure and cholesterol is high...so need to eat better.

And that alone is another job...eating healthier.  Its hard!!

With all of that said, I want to tell of you whats new in our life, since I haven't updated in a while.

Carter is now 6 months old and doing GREAT!!   He has had his helmet on for a month now and he loves it.  He really doesn't even seem to notice he has it on, except for when we take it off.  We have his name on the front of it with Stickers and Uncle Shane and his girfriend Bobbi, got us an awesome sticker that we have on the back that says "fixin my flat".  We love it!

He is also rolling all over the place...sitting up on his own and eating baby food...tons of it!  More than he is actually supposed to based on what I read.  Oh well.  We are seeing a new pediatrician in a week.  THe old one, well...i liked her..but she didn't seem to know much about babies.   So I guess the new pedi will tell us if he is eating too much or not.  But he loves that baby food.  ANd I am so glad that I am making it myself because that would add up fast!

Speaking of baby food...that is a good way to lead into my next topic.  Coupons!  I have started clipping coupons and I am determined to save us money as best as I can.  So I sent derrick to the store with a list and the coupons.  The total bill was $150 and we spent $78.  So a total saving of $72.  Granted the items, we didn't need right now, so that is money we didn't NEED to spend right now, but they were items that we can hold on till we need them and we wont have to spend money then, when we needed it.  So...I saved us money in the future.  :)  That is what couponing is all about.  Buying things when they are dirt cheap..and stockpiling.  LOVE IT.  So...in this trip, we got 2 packs of steaks and got 4 free! One pack of pork chops and one free. On meat alone we saved $60. 5 Hot pockets for $10 (pretty good price), 4 Big boxes of cereal for $10 and a $2 coupon so really it was $8 for the cereal, when normally 4 boxes of cereal would have cost ATLEAST $13. And then, we got 10 packs of frozen veggies for $1 each.  That is mainly for Carter's baby food...and for supper some nights.  :)   The hard part about couponing is in our area, no stores will double coupons or let you stack coupons.  They will let you use one store coupon and one manufact coupon.  That is good, but not as good as it could be if we lived in a bigger area. 

So, I plan to blog more often about the couponing..that way if any of you are wanting to learn, we can learn together.  Heck if any of you want to do it WITH me...come on over!  We can clip, look thru ads and go shop!! YAY

WAIT!  the best deal I have found so far.... If you buy a wonka bar at target, you get a coupon for a free one!  use that coupon and you get another free one! haha and it keeps going!  We bought one yesterday and then used the free coupon.  Today we got two more free ones and another coupon! haha  The store is out of candy right now, but we WILL be back tomorrow! haha

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