Friday, July 22, 2011

Positive Attitude

As I sit here, trying to decide how to start this blog entry...I can barely concentrate because I am so hungry!  Carter has been waking up at 5:55 the last few mornings.  I really hope this isn't a new schedule for him!  This mom CAN NOT function that early in the morning.  But then again I said that about 6:30 and now I miss 6:30 am! haha  But when you are awake at 5:55, by the time its 8:41 you have already had almost a full day!  So THAT Is why I am starving...I need me some breakfast!  I REALLY REALLY REALLY want a donut!  So bad!  And I could easily get in the car, go thru the donut shop drive thru, get me a nice big Chocolate Long John with Cream Filling and swallow it whole.  But now, I am going to have my cherrios and juice and get over it!  Last night I "NEEDED" a cookie, or something fudgy or something that had some form of icing.  But I resisted...but then satan took over and I had two hotpockets AFTER I ate dinner! haha  Trying to change the way you eat is so hard.  Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail. But atleast I am trying.  Its all for Carter.  I want to make sure that I am healthy so that I can be around for a long long time!  I just wish the people in my life would feel the same way and eat better.  Its hard to eat good when all the people around you eat horrible.  So I have basically no one to hold me accountable for what I eat...or to make sure I am exercising or anything...UGH! haha

Ok enough about that.  I have noticed lately that I want so badly to help everyone and to do as much as I can for others that I become a little pushy.  I dont mean to, I just want to help. But I guess I should just wait till people ask me for help. I am the type that likes to get stuff done NOW and RIGHT.  So pretty sure that is why I am so pushy.  I can't stand it when people wait to get stuff done.  I have no idea where all of this is coming from.  Just a thought that came to me.

As I finished that thought, I realized, no one cares about all this! haha  For those of you that read this, why do you read this?! haha  Its so boring.

Couponing:  Well I have done much the last few days.  I haven't really seen any good deals.  But I did get some more coupons from my in laws and my MIL gave me this cool little folder thing to hold all of them in.  I get so excited over little things. HA  But as I continue to do the couponing, I am going to keep you all updated so that if any of you want to do it, you can! YAY!

Carter has slept ALL NIGHT the last two nights.  Yes, he has been doing this since he was 2 months old, but now he is NOT SWADDLED!  I never thought we would get here.  He just sprawls out in this little footy pjs and goes to sleep. I love it. 

Well its Friday, just another day for me...but the really cool part is we dont have plans tonight.  I would LOVE to put carter to bed early, rent a movie and just relax. But we all know that wont happen.  I will probably end up going over to my dad's new rent house to help fix it up (see, I do things like this when I am free, so really I am never free).  Saturday we are having my brother's birthday party...pretty sure he is going to be 23.  That just seems crazy to me!  but then again, i am almost 30! WHAT?!  lol ok almost 27, but might as well be 30.  Sunday we try to do a whole lotta nothing.  But then next week starts a not so fun week!  We have Carter's six month appointment on Tuesday, which means shots.  I hate those things.  For some reason the last few shots, bothered me, but he was a baby baby so in my head, he didn't blame me.  But now he is a "big boy" and I am afraid he is going to get really upset, and mad because he knows we took him there to get hurt.  Oh the joys of being a parent.  But then on Wed we have to drive to Addison again for another helmet appointment.  I pray that they tell us he is still growing really fast.  Because that means we get to get rid of that thing faster.  Those two days basically ruin the whole week...because we spend Monday getting prepared for it, and then Thursday trying to recoop.

Well Carter is napping right now and all of a sudden my brain shut off, so I think I will wrap this up.  LATER

WAIT! I just realized I titled this Positive Attitude, but never explained why.  Lately things have really been getting me down. And I think they have been getting worse because I am tired and well, I ponder on it and basically make things worse.  So I have decided, i am going to use all my strength to have a positive attitude, no matter what.  Easier said than done! 

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