Sunday, March 20, 2011

Back Track #2-Baby?!

Well, lets see...Carter.

In December of 2009 Derrick and I decided that we wanted to add to our little family..aka BABY!!

I thought that I would get pregnant right away since everyone in my family the months went by, the more upsetting it got.  I actually scheduled an appointment to make sure that everything with me was ok.  I went in, they did a sonogram and said that everything looked good but that sometimes it just takes a while to get pregnant.  It had been four months and I wanted to get pregnant NOW!  They did mention (and this is more detail than you all want, but its interesting) that my uterus was pretty big.  That meant that I was about to support a pregnancy or that I was about to start my period.  Well in my head I knew that I wasn't pregnant because over the last four months, every month I "knew" i was pregnant and we bought so many tests for them to just say negative.  It was really starting to get to me.  But guess what?!  I was pregnant!!!  Just really early on so the dr didn't know!!  On May 6, 2010 at 5 am I got my first positive test. 

ONly problem was, they were free ones we got in the mail.  Derrick decided he wanted to pee on one too..and it said pregnant! haha so either we had a problem and Derrick was pregnant or I really wasn't pregnant.  So the next day we bought GOOD EXPENSIVE tests...and on May 7 at 4 am, I got another positive test!!!  
But I didn't believe it! haha So yes...I kept testing...  May 7 at 7:15 another positive!!

Still didn't trust it, so May 7 at 11 am

And... May 8, 2010 at 1:30 pm

Ok, so by this point I am pretty well convinced that they tests are lying!  So I called the clinic, and they told me that if the tests say I am, then I am pregnant.  They dont do blood work anymore to confirm, so I got an appointment for like 8 weeks later for my first check up.  WEll that didn't fly with me.  I wanted blood work done so I could know FOR SURE that this was really happening.  So I called my family dr and they got me in that same day!  and a few hours later, they called me back with the results.  I was scared out of my mind.  And the lady said "happy mothers day!"  haha I loved that she told me that way.  So mothers day was two days away and we decided to not tell anyone until then.  We got our moms necklaces and cards that said Happy mothers day Grandma! 

Derrick's family wasn't very surprised...

But my family was shocked...

Especially Dad!
But Karissa knew all along...I had to tell someone!

The funniest part is when we told my dad's family.  We made my folks shirts that would basically tell everyone.

No one seemed to shocked..except my aunt mindy, who as soon as she figured out what the shirts meant...screamed and told the whole restaurant that I was pregnant! haha Loved it!

Oh but the coolest part...a year earlier a friend of mine, that I worked with, Brandi, told me she had a dream that I was going to have a baby on January 9.  And my due date... January 9!  CRAZY!!!!


  1. Amber- you couldnt keep the secret from me either!! You had told me too!! And I think everyone was really shocked! Sherry jumped up and cried!! It was a very exciting moment that I won't forget for a long time;)

  2. Oh yea! Man I'm not good at secrets! Ha ha I think they expected it! Ha ha but still happy! Thanks for reading my blog. You might be the only one!


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