Sunday, March 6, 2011


We woke up at like 7:30 to Carter getting mad, well mom and dad weren't ready for him to be awake so I picked him up and got back in bed. He slept for another hour while I just relaxed and derrick played angry birds ha ha. Derrick went to work and I fed Carter and started to put him 0back to sleep. Once he was finally asleep he peed all over the both of us. So I had to go change us both, which woke him up. Then he spit up all over us, so had to change again! Fun morning!! We spent our afternoon watching how I net your mother while Carter slept. He has been really sleepy today. Then I cleaned the house top to bottom. At our 8 pm feeding carter kept throwing up, so was a little worried about how he would sleep. Derrick took care of Carter most the day. He asked if this is how fast all my days seem, and I was like yep! Taking care if a baby makes your day fly by. He then said, "I don't have the bladder to be a stay at home mom" ha ha it's funny because there are hours that go by when I can't or forget to go to the bathroom! Ha By nine we finally had him to sleep and we realized we hadn't eaten so I made some cinnamon toast! Ha dinner of champs, or busy parents that forget to eat. I love my life. It just makes me smile, and laugh a lot of the time. P.s I know those of you that actually read all this could care less about a the details but I do this mainly for me to look back on. ;) anyways, apparently Derrick fed him at midnight(I slept thru that one) and then I fed him at three. What happened to sleeping for six hours bud?! That was just a tease! But I did
change my first poopy diaper in the dark!! Yay! And the darn kid got back up at seven!! What is going on here!? Sleep kid, it's fun!!! But by nine he AND Derrick were asleep in the
recliner. Time to start our Sunday!

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