Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bye bye March

March has been a pretty busy and stressful month. Carter was no longer a newborn that just pooped, slept, and ate... But an infant who fought sleep, ate when HE wanted to eat and hardly ever pooped!! Ha ha yes we have the kid who goes against what he is supposed to do... Gets that from me and I love it! Hates the paci, does not want to be rocked, hates to be held...but I love that he likes to be different and difficult!! I love that he has my personality but hate it at the same time cuZ I know he will be hard to deal with cuz I know I'm hard to deal with. But it's a good trait because those that really love you stick around even tho you are difficult. One thing that has changed in the last two weeks or so, he lives his mommy!! When he us upset or just sleepy and wants to be held, he wants it to be mommy that's holding him!! Love love love it!!! Makes it hard sometimes when I need someone else to hold him but I love that he wants me. The other day he watched me the whole time he ate. This is strange because he always looks out when he eats so he can see everything. Then today we were playing and he got all still and just looked at me, in my eyes for like ten min!! And you could just tell he was getting to know me and learning who I was and it almost made me cry!! And he is smiling at me all the time and starting to smile at others. It's such a joy to watch your kid figure things out and learn new things. Melts my heart. For those of you with out kids reading this... Just wait! You cam never understand how deep this love is till it's your own flesh and blood! I don't have much to say about today because they are all the same! Ha getting Carter to bed a little later than normal tonight cuz he took a really late nap. Every day is different! He smiled at my folks tonight and you should have seen the excitement! Ha but Carter also threw up all over dads favorite blanket! Cracked me up!! Ok Night night!

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