Thursday, March 3, 2011


Ever since Carter was born I have been reading every book possible to get him on some kind of schedule. For those of you that really know me, know that I am a crazy crazy planner. By Sunday I normally have the whole week planned out. So I HAD to get this baby on a schedule. In my mind, I thought, this will be so easy. Start him early and on no time my baby will be on the perfect schedule! Ha ha ha I laugh at myself now. I had no idea it would be this hard. First I read babywise because everyone talked so highly of it. After reading it I thought, ok I got this...schedule time!! Not so much! It basically tells you when and how much to feed you child at what age. It's main advice is "sleep, eat, Waketime, start over". Basically it tea he's to wake yours up when it's time to eat. So that's what we were doing. Even at night. That made for an unhappy baby and very tired and unhappy parents. So then I read 90 min baby sleep program!!! AMAZiNG!!! First off it's a shorter book so it's easier and quicker to read. Secondly,it explains your baby so much better!! Basically we realized Carter wasn't getting enough sleep, so he was "over tired". Basivly because we were waking him up to feed him. This was causing him to be extra cranky and super hard to get back to sleep. This boom teaches that your baby can only handle being awake for 90 minutes. And it teaches you to follow the NAPS plan. N-nap, A- add 90 min once he wakes up, P-play or pursue activities such as feed and change him, S-soothe back to sleep. This has worked great! Now we never wake Carter to eat, he will wake up when he is hungry. And he eats great! And toward the end of the 90 min cycle we can tell he is sleepy, we start putting him to sleep and he only fights it for 15 min instead of hours like he used to. And the best part, he is starting to sleep longer at night!



    Check it out!! Amber

  2. Thanks for the tip! I was going to read Babywise... but I think I'll get the other book! :)


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