Thursday, March 24, 2011

God will help you through

The last few days have been pretty tough. Carter hasn't been acting like himself, he has totally switched up his schedule and has been throwing up a lot more than normal. All this on top of other obstacles God has thrown my way, I have found that I am completely broken. I have never realized how much I really need God! And not the Sunday god that I used to have but the 24/7, best friend, shoulder to cry on God! He is the only one that can help me through and help me get over all these obstacles. I have also been doing the love dare again. This not only is reminding me how to show love to Derrick, but it's showing me how to show love to others, and how others should show love to me. It's amazing when you have a kid of you own how much of your life changes. Yes, the obvious, less sleep, more stress. But other things change too. Things that you wouldn't think. You watch less tv, find yourself sitting in silence for as long as it can last, can't remember the last time you showered or cooked a real meal. Can't remember the last movie you saw, can't remember the last time you saw your friends, friendships change. You lose some friends but grow closer to others. Every relationship you have changes in some way. Some change in a good way, some in a bad. Things in life take on new meaning. Some things are much clearer, some much more confusing. This might all sound like gibberish, but to moms it makes perfect sense! Now, on to Carter. He has been a bit confusing lately. Sleeping great at night, I would actually call it perfect. Naps, he now takes in his bassinet, they just aren't very long all of a sudden. Like 30-45 min tops. But everyone I have talked to and everything I have read says around this age they tart taking shorter more frequent naps until they find their own schedule. His schedule is like a where's Waldo game!! But he us so happy all the time! I love it! He laughed for the first time today. Not abductor but a real laugh. He was asleep, but still so cool! Made my day!! He did scream a couple times today, madder than ever, and all because I wouldn't listen!! Geez mom I'm hungry!! And I have to say again.. My husband is amazing. He gets up early, works all day and then takes over with Carter when he gets home. Love him!! And it's so cute, now Carter lives to have daddy hold him, looks for him when he walks away and gets so excited when he sees him. I love it! He probably gets bored with me all day! Ha ok bed time!! Night night


  1. Hey- I think even as a non mom I understand;) I have also been working on my relationship with God especially talking to God more now then ever before. There has been so much stress in general personally in my life and I feel leaning on God has helped so much. It's so amazing how those prayers get answered; even if it's not the answer you are looking for. Keep your head up I know I am not a mom I just believe Carter will cone around some how and things will work out! Love you Sis!!

  2. I love reading your blog Amber! Really makes me feel connected to the Thomas family. :-) I am sorry that life has been so crazy and I still haven't even got to meet Mr. Carter. I love getting to keep up with your blog though and someday soon, can't wait to meet Carter! Love ya friend and know that I'm praying for you and your "new mom adventures." :-)


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