Thursday, March 17, 2011

Top of the mornin' Thursday

St pattys day and moms birthday... I have always like this day because you HAD to do something. Plus I like pinching people!! Ha ha

well I'm not really in the blogging mood so I will keep it short. Carter woke up earlier this morning than normal and I had a really hard time getting him back to sleep. Bad way to start the day. Then he really fought sleep during all of his naps, so he never got a good nap which made him crankier to the Next nap. Fun stuff. So all evening he just cried.. Poor thing. Then for bed he screamed like he was in pain and then passed out!! He is just like his mom, needs sleep or watch out world! Somehow during the day I managed to make my mom and double layer chocolate birthday cake. :) we went over there tonight for her birthday pizza, idol and cake! Good times except poor Carter didn't have much fun. He was in like a sleepy zone the whole time. Well 9:28 Carter is asleep and I am about to.... Try! I have a hard time going to sleep now. No good! I think cuz things have slowed down so it gives me a chance to think but then I think too much. And me, alone in the dark with just my thoughts is a bad thing! Ha so, I am really trying to decide if I should keep Facebook. I love that I can keep people updated on my family but at the same time I have noticed a lot of meanness and hurtful comments, not towards me just random stuff and it reminds me what a cruel world we live in. When even christians can't be nice to each other. Breaks my heart. I almost want to lock myself away from the world and just liver life with my family. With no hatred, drama, foul language, just love and respect. That's another thing I have noticed lately. People who say they love each other but yet can't show respect! Blows my mind. Ok those are just random thoughts. :) ps I would love comments if anyone has a thought or opinion on anything I write. Gives me something to read in between screams! :)

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