Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Is it Wednesday? Well based on comments I have received, I will keep posting my blog. last night Carter did not sleep all night. Got my hopes up! Woke up at 2 and 6 to eat but then slept till 9 am. Been taking long morning naps lately. But had a hard time with naps today. Just not sleeping long. But I put him inhis crib for his naps. We will see if he will sleep there tonight. oh he was been gagging a lot on bottle and choking on spit. Pretty sure he was allergies and has phlegm in his throat. Poor thing! Well naps weren't good today until the last one. Slept for 45 min in his crib, another 45 while I held him (he kept choking) and then like 15 on the floor. We are skipping a nap this evening and giving him a bath and then bed. We wil see how he does tonight. Every day and night is different. I'm starting to believe that this "kids have schedules" thing is a myth. But that's ok... He is still pretty good. Moms birthday is tomorrow so we are having supper with them and then Saturday we are having a cook out with dads family for her! I love birthdays!! We for Carter a at pattys day shirt a while back and I had one, so Derrick for one today so we could all match!! I love it! I love that Derrick does cute and silly things now for Carter! He is such a good daddy! He laughed and smiled with Derrick tonight and you could see all overbderricks face how proud and happy he was! I love my little family! Well Carter couldn't stay up any longer. Fell asleep eating, so I am about to head to bed too! Night night y'all!

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