Sunday, March 20, 2011

Back Track #4-Delivery

Delivery... WOW!

Lets see...

Friday, January 7, 2011  I had some little contractions during the day, but not enough to make me worry.  That evening we went to McDs with my folks.  I ate a Big Mac, Fries, and an Apple Pie.  The little girl that took our order said "wow, I have never seen such a big pregnant girl, you look like your about to bust"  and so we joked about how my water broke and freaked her out. 

We went back to my folks house and I started having more contactions...I did squats and jumping jacks..just kidding.  Sure did worry my dad tho!

Got home, went to bed...was so excited because I was going to sleep all day.  We were scheduled to be induced on Sunday, January 9, so I was going to sleep as much as possible before then.

Around 1:30 am I woke up with pretty strong contractions.  I just sat quietly waiting for them to pass.  Around 2ish, Derrick woke up because I guess i was being pretty loud.  But they were starting to really hurt!  I didn't want to go to the hospital until I knew for sure that I was really in labor.  So I just sat around the house, made sure we had everything packed while Derrick hung last min things up on Carters wall! haha Around 2:30 we finally decided it was time to go, and made the calls to our parents..they were all so excited.  I was too.  I did NOT want to be induced.  I wanted the excitement of leaving in the middle of the night, and that is what I got!  We got to the hospital around 3 and they put me in a little room while they asked me questions.  Even tho we told our parents they didn't have to ocme yet, they came anyways and sat in the waiting room all day. They had me try to eat a little and I sat in that room for what seemed like forever until they thought my contractions were strong enough to keep me.

This picture was taken in the few minutes that my first epidural was working and I felt good.

 By around 4 ish I was in a room.  My contractions were pretty strong by now.  Sometime during the morning they gave me my epidural.  It didn't work.  He put it in crooked so I coudl feel half of my body.  But it did work for a few minutes, but it caused my blood pressure to drop real low real fast, so that made me sick.  They did a second one and it fell out so I could feel everything.  They did a third and it didn't work...and so they did a then the contractions were KILLING ME but basically the epideral wasn't going to work, so I started pushing without meds. 

In between epiderals, when I felt good for a few minutes, people would come see me.  There we so many people there! I was shocked! 

Everytime I had to get a new epideral Derrick would have to leave the room, so he would go updated everyone.  I had no idea by my parents, especially my dad were freaking out.
I pushed a little here and there.  They told me they thought he would be here by 11.  I started really pushing I think around noon.  But then when it was time to have him, the doctor wasn't I just screamed until she got there. She finally got there and I got to really push.  Since I had no meds in me, I felt everything, and it hurt less when I I was ready to do this!!!

And our little man was born at 1:29 pm

Then we had TONS of visitors wanting to see our little guy!  I would post all your pics..but there were so many people that would take me forever!  Love you all!!!

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