Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Terrific Tuesday

Just so you know... I name my blogs with the day of the week mainly sobi can keep track of the day! Ha so got Carter to sleep pretty easy last night at 9:45. He kinda started getting fussy around 2 am but derrick just held him still in his bed instead of feeding him like we normally do and he went right back to sleep. he slept till almost 7! Nine hours!!! . And then after a quick and small feeding he went straight to sleep for another two hours!! I broke down to my folks last night about how much work Carter is and how tired I am. Think I scared them cuz they came to "visit" this morning. Think they wanted to make sure I wasn't screaming at Carter ha. Dad brought donuts and held him when he woke up so I could eat and then mom fed him while I took a bath. So far last night and today have been perfect!! After Carter had been up for a little over an hour he started looking sleepy again. Mom changed him and then left and I wrapped him up and in less than five min and two seconds I'd screaming he passes out. And is actually in his bed right now. Has been for about 15 min so fingers crossed he stays asleep a while. He slept for two hours!! Nap #2 should have been at 2:20. By 1:45 he was cranky, 1:50 I wrapped him up and 1:57 he was asleep in bed! Crazy! Slept again for two hours!! But the next nap, easy to put down but only slept for like 30 min. Oh well. But then evening came around and he was sleepy but wouldn't sleep, just cried. Then a had to go and cut his thumb with the clippers, but no crying, just pulled his hand back. Scared ne tho! Just gave him a bath, which always calms him down. Got fussy again but not fir too long when he finally fell asleep around 9:15. Let's see how this night goes... Oh by the way if you see any weird words it's the darn auto correct and I am too lazy to fix it all ha. Wash bottles then night night!

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