Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I have decided to no longer post my blog on Facebook. This will be my last time. I will continue my blog but I just won't post it to "remind" people. If you follow my blog and still choose to read it then thank you. I gave noticed that some people are tired of hearing about my life and my "problems" so I will no longer make those people read it. Granted if they still choose to go find my blog and continue to read then that Is their decision. :) I love my life and my family. Yes it may seem that I am complaining but like i said when I started this blog, I do this for myself. To remember, to vent, to just have it. One more decision, lately I have been hearing God whisper to me, to remind me he is there and I keep ignoring him. Not on purpose but because I am so busy or overwhelmed and I just forget tontalk to him, to vent to him. So from now on I am going to try to use this blog to help me with that. To all those that have been encouraging me, thank you! You know who you are. I love you so much, couldn't ask for better friends. Well Carter is asleep so I am going to actually pick up the house a little. Later!

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