Friday, March 11, 2011

Post shots Friday

Well he went to sleep at 7:30 pm and woke up at 2 am to eat and get meds. Not bad sleep!! He then slept a little over three hours before he ate again. He didn't eat much so he woke up about an hour later, around 7 am to eat again. And by 8:30 I had him asleep again. But this time I wrapped him up real tight and put him in his bassinet. He slept for 45 min. Not as long as it would have been if I were holding him but it's a start. So he woke up at 9:20, we played and did some tummy time but he was getting cranky fast. That nap wasn't long enough, so I fed him again at 10:15 and by 10:45 asleep again! He was tired! And success again! He is in his bed asleep! Mommy is going to get a ton of naps today! Love it! Now if we could just get him to eat more each time and less often, and sleep thru the night. But I can only handle one mission a day. Let's get this nap thing down first ha. Still asleep so far but I am laying here just waiting for him to wake up but praying he doesn't! Come on kid, sleep for atleast an hour! Please?! He ended up sleeping for 3.5 hours! Woohoo! When he woke up he was starving! Ate 6 oz! But then his next nap was only 45 min long again and he woke up cranky. So we cuddled for a while(I like sick Carter, he let's me cuddle) and watched some tv then dad got home and I fed him and dad put him to sleep. By 6:45 our house was quiet! We ate subway in silence. Flipped channels a while and now at 7:45 we going to bed. Oh the fun lives of new parents! Maybe he will sleep a while since he still has meds in him. So today I got a lot of lounging and reading done. Over all good day, shots didnt aeem to effect him much. but I'm super sleepy. Night night

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