Monday, March 14, 2011

Maniac Monday

She's a maniac maniac that's for sure. This song will be in my head all day because that is how I feel! Without going into too much detail, today's mission is to improve Carters nap by doing some pretty exhausting tasks. Basically- don't give him the chance to wake up. That's the hard part, getting him back to sleep if he wakes up. So here unwilling sit, by his bed, for as long as it takes... Hope this works. So far everything I have set out to do has worked, I just might have a strange way of doing it! ha without sounding all high and mighty, I really don't think most moms would go to these crazy lengths just to teach their kids to sleep. But me, I have always been a little crazy! Oh last night, Carter slept for 9 hours with one feeding and a couple times derrick had to just put him to sleep. Not too bad. Probably because I slept thru most of it. I was kinda breaking down yesterday from exhaustion and derrick, like the good hubby he is, noticed and did all the work last night! Thank you Derrick! So now, we are in the midst of nap #1. Rest of the day... Well bring it! Take it back!!! I don't want it today!! Well Carter isn't doing very good one his naps so far. First one was a bust and second one will be the death of me! He won't stay asleep in his bed longer than twenty min and I know he is tired. He falls back to sleep as soon as I freaking pick him up. I might not have enough patience to be a stay at home mom. Everyone else gets an eight hour break each day from their kids! Well gave up on that nap and thenextand just held him. He was so tired. But in between the naps he was so happy! He cuddled and watched cartoons and laughed at everything and even let me get dressed! Tonight we are making a quick trip to Wf to do some birthdayshopping for my mom. Folks are watching little one... Dad said he would trade: he watches Carter if I do his shopping for his gift to mom. Sounds more than fair... Suckers! Ha well leaving Carter was a bad idea. He screamed for my folks which upset me. I feel like I can't go or do anything. I am thankful for those that have offered to watch him but he us more work than people think and it just ruins all the work I have put into his schedule by him being somewhere else. Today was a rough day. I never knew one little person could make me this upset. Moms, do I ever get a break? Someday? The funny part is most people have problems with kids sleeping at night. He is doing great there, it's the darn naps!!!! Ugh!! Well I'm in a bad, tired mood and c man just went to sleep.. So I am going to sleep!! Night night

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