Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's Wednesday right?

Seriously can never remember what day it is. Could be May for all I know! Ha well after waiting two weeks for our video monitors to get here, Woot tells us they are lost! So they will refund our money. But now we have to spend A LOT more to get some from the store! Darn Woot! But now that I am so excited about having them and getting Carter out of our room I will pay just about anything to get some! Derrick found one at target so we will see if it works! Our normal monitors don't work because our house is too small so all we her is static! Hope these work!! First nap of the day=awesome!! He slept for an hour and half off and on but when he woke up he put himself back to sleep. Second nap=horrible! He likes to get my hopes up!! And any schedule I thought I saw.... Nope! Still sleeping thru the nIght but waking up walker to eat. It's been 5 am instead of 7 the last two days. So I fond it very odd that every thing I have read says you prob won't be back to pre pregnancy weight till about 9 months after delivery. I was back to normal after 2 weeks. But bad part is, that happened because I could never find the time to eat! And now I am below my pre pregnancy weight!!! No!!!
I need to gain weight now ha ha! Bring on the food!! And all I want these days are pizza and coke! Well I always wanted pizza and coke But now I seriously NEED it all the time! Ok basically all the naps were a bust except the early morning one. That one is always good. Had a mini break down this afternoon mainly because Carter decided not to sleep and to scream like crazy and I haven't been sleeping much lately so it got to me. I realized I HAVE to find a way to stop letting things bother me so much that it messes with my sleep! Well we THINK he us asleep so benadryl in me and night night

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