Thursday, March 10, 2011

God blessed Thursday

Well last night he slept about the same. Midnight ish and around four he woke up to eat. But around Six he woke up again, still hungry. Silly boy! We never know how much formula to make him. He could eat two oz or six oz. Well at 730 he was awake and Derrick was leaving for work so Derrick put him on our bed next to me and we just chatted and laughed at the fan for a while. Good time! I just can't get over how cute he is. Day went like any other day. Took nap around nine and another around noon. He didn't really fight the morning nap too much, fought the noon one for a bit. Good thing is, with this strict sleep schedule we have him on, he doesn't get near as mad as he used to when we put him to sleep. Don't get me wrong he still gets mad, just not for hours anymore. I would recommend that book and lifestyle to anyone and everyone. The 90 min baby sleep program!! Amazing! Anyways, we had to wake him up from his nap to get him dressed for the dr so he was a little fussy but I fed him while we were in waiting room and he was happy most the appointment. She said he looked great! He is in like 90 percentile for length and 75 percentile for weight and 50 percentile for head size so he is right where he should be. He is 13 lbs and 25 in long. But Derrick and I measured and we got that he is 23.5 inches. Either way he is a big boy! Love it! She looked at his head and said it's normal for babies to get a flat spot and to favor one side and since he is still so young there is time for us to try to correct it. The more she looked the more she noticed how misshaped it was. He has a flat spot on back right and front left of his head. And it's causing his ears to be not even. But we just need to watch him and keep him from sleeping on that side so much. The last couple days I have been working with him and he is already doing so much better. Dr is going to have us do some at home therapy just to make sure his neck muscles are working evenly. Good thing is this is all cosmetic, it was no effect on his brain or health. That's what I was worried about. If in the next two months, and by his next appointment its not any better we may have to get a helmet. But overall he is perfectly healthy. Next was his shots. We drove to Wichita to go to the health clinic and he was already grumpy because he had missed a nap and we had to wait what felt like forever. We gave him tylenal and he really enjoyed that. Something with flavor!! When they called his name Derrick took him back and I went outside. I could still hear him scream. He got an oral drug first then two shots in his left thigh and one in his right. Derrick said with the first shot he didn't make a sound and he thought, wow my son is a champ but with the second his face went bright red and he started screaming and well the third didn't help. That first shot hurt so bad he couldn't get his cry out till the second one. I saw them come out and he was calm but henhad obviously been crying but then he started screaming again, with big tears running down his face so mommy had to take him and he calmed down. He loves his momma! He got seriously upset in car on way home because he was so very tired! Missed a nap and all the crying he was worn out! My folks got us supper so we ate real fast, fed him and got him to sleep at 7:30 and at that point he had a small fever 99.8. It is now 9 and his fever is normal and he is still asleep. Maybe he will sleep fir a while! My poor baby had a rough day, but I only got teary eyed for a second and I maned up! Ha!

I am going to bed now before he wakes up needing more pain meds. I know I have been crazy emotional lately, but I want to thank those who have been reading my blog and commenting and praying for us. Night night


  1. Awww... I loved reading this.. those first shots are a duesy (sp?) and believe me they never get easier.. haha! I miss you guys so much and am soo glad Carter is doing so good! I can just see you sitting in a waiting room feeding a baby.. :)

  2. We should make sure we get together AT LEAST once a month!!! Yea I bet I looked smokin hot feeding him in the waiting room!!! Ha

  3. Did they give you home exercises or are you getting a home therapist to show you?


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