Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Short but sweet

Derrick got home and saved me!! Carter had finally after hours if screaming went to sleep at 5 and when Derrick got home he was super quiet and had already ordered pizza so I wouldn't have to cook!!! After we ate, Derrick fed Carter and let me take a long bath. Then we gave Carter a bath and I think he actually had fun! He was doing some strange little dance moves in the water. Gets his dancing skills from his mommy! Then came the dreaded bed time. It was a little earlier than normal tonight but he hasn't slept good all day. After only 10 min or so of crying, he calmed down and 30 min later he is asleep. All thanks to daddy! And now Derrick is washing bottles, that is after he kicked the recliner back for me and told me to just relax. Isnt he great!! I couldnt ask for a better hubby! Only bad part to the evening is some moron down the street decided to rev their engine and it woke carter up! I almost went after the idiot! Derrick had to tell me to calm down! Ha don't mess with amber's baby!! After I have some milk and cookies, this moma is going to bed. Thanks to everyone that has been reading. It's actully helped calm me down at nights and to remember things that happen by doing this. I promise I will get pictures up some day. Just can't do that from an iPod. And that is how I have been blogging. Night night! Wait one more thing. The last couple weeks I have been really worried about Carters head since he mainly turns it one way. But in the last week and especially today, he has been turning it more the other way. I think he just likes to freak mommy out! Ha well Carter isn't staying asleep so I must go help. So much for short. But it was sweet! :)

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