Thursday, March 3, 2011


When I was pregnant, I thought I would be the perfect mom with the perfect baby. Really! I thought we would bring him home, he would cry and we would change or feed him and he would go right back to sleep. Boy was I wrong! I don't know why I didn't think about having to PUT him to sleep! I really wish there was a blog or something that would have warned me of how difficult having a baby would be. So I guess for any new moms or soon to be moms out there that read this, I want to inform you as much as I can. We all know that each baby is different but I can atleast tell you how mine acts. He is a handful! Ha He fights sleep so bad!! And when I say fight, I mean scream. At the top of his lungs! This lasts anywhee from 15 min to 3 hours! Yea, it's fun! not!! He takes pretty good naps, once you get him to sleep and as long as you hold him the whole time. And he sleeps really good at night. Normally he will sleep for 2.5 to 3 hours before he needs to eat. But most the time it's 3-4 hours. Last night he slept for six!!! Yes six!!! It was amazing! Hopefully he enjoyed it as much as we did and he will keep doing it. We have been following the 90 min awake pattern and it's been great. He only fights sleep 15-30 min now. But today he has been getting sleepy after only being awake for an hour, so I have basically been holding him all day. Sure makes it hard to eat or go potty. One thing I highly recommend, make food for you the night before. That way you can just grab the already made sandwich and eat it in the five min your child is happy. I hope to continue to post how well Carter is doing on sleep and hopefully help a new mom at the same time.

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