Saturday, March 12, 2011

Learning as we go

Basically everyday is a learning experience with a baby. Still trying to figure each other out. Last night it was time for his next nap, so we wrapped him Up, rocked him to sleep and put him to bed at 6:45, thinking he would wake up in a couple hours so we could feed him, give him a bath and put him down for the night. Nope! Slept for 5 hours! So he ended up waking up at 11:45 to eat. That was the beginning of our bad night. We finally got him to sleep at 1 am. But he only sleep for two hours and 45 min and was ready to eat again. So we fed him at 3:55 and got him to sleep just over an hour later. Yea it was not a good night! But wait it gets worse... He woke up again an hour later and ate again!!! We gave him more Tylenol just to be safe and tried to put him back to sleep and almost two hours later he was finally asleep but only stayed asleep for thirty min. By now it's eight in the morning, we played and cuddled a little and at 9:45 I went to put him down for his morning nap. He was extra tired since he didn't sleep well the night before. And well...he really didn't get a nap. I am trying to mark him sleep in his bassinet for naps instead of me holding him, so once I got him to sleep I layed him down. But he only. Slept for 20 min. I picked him up and he wenr right back to sleep, I would lay him, down and wide awake. We did this seven times before gave up and was just going to hold him for his nap. But by then he was so tired that he was seriously mad and wouldn't even go to sleep. So we played and did some tummy time then fed him... And waited by the door for Derrick to get home from work so he could attempt to put him down for his next nap. I was past thle point if frustration to deal with him for a while... Soon to be or new moms, if you get angry or frustrated, just put the kid down, god outside, let them cry while you calm down and try again. Because believe me, you WILL get that frustrated! Derrick got him to sleep in like ten min...darn him! Ha and he slept for over two hours and I got to take fa freakin hour long bath!!! Loved it. As soon as big man woke up we headed out to see derricks family. He did so good over there. If I could give him a cookie, he would get two!! I was really worried about getting him down for his nap because that is what he fights the most. But god helped us and he fell asleep while he ate and he was good the rest of the evening. He had one small fit but it didnt last long. It was probably the best he has been outside of our normal routine. So basically the lesson we learned from last night... If his nap is around six, only let him sleep for like an hour and then put him to bed around 9 or 10. That way he can sleep his long sleep when we are actually sleeping too. So tonight, he should have been asleep by 7:30 but we didn't get home till 8 and he would not go yo sleep so we decided to go ahead and give him a bath and another bottle and then put him to BED. Worked great!! We played a little, had fun in the bath(he watched me the whole time and smiled so much), put pjs on and got a bottle and by 9 he was asleep. The cool part is tonight is the time change, so reallyhe went to sleep at like 10. Hopefully he will sleep till 4 the new time... That would be great!! Then be asleep again by like 5 and sleep till 8! That would be perfect! Who thinks that will happen?? Ha ha well we will see... Like I said, we are learning as we go! Oh I forgot to mention, last night while none of us were sleeping, Carter decided to poop once, throw up once and then pee thru his clothes!! Things that don't happen much he did all in the same, no sleep, night! Well bed time for me... Night night

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