Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Again

Welcome dear Monday. I feel like we see you more than any other day. The weekend was fantastic! Friday morning Derrick wasn't feeling very good so he stayed home with me and Carter. He got to sleep and started feeling better so that night we went out and ate with my folks and then bought us a knew lawn mower. Poor Derrick has been using a used one that doesn't work all that well. Plus we are now paying perma green to make our yard all pretty so we needed a mower that had a bag on it. Gotta get rid of those stickers!! Then Saturday we did stuff around the house, cleaned, finally hung stuff on the walls, and Derrick mowed. I love productive weekends. Then Sunday we attempted church with Carter again. We got there and he started getting antsy and I knew he was about to get loud so I took him down to the nursery. Only reason was because my mom, brandace hardy and lee Ann hardy were down there. Carter was the only baby baby and only boy! Ha he is gonna have his pick of the older ladies! Love it! And then after church we ate at folks and then lounged all day. They fed us supper too and then dessert! Ha Derrick was stuffed!! But now it's Monday again... Carter slept 9.5 hours last night then another hour and half after he ate. Nap one at 11:30 I put his bassinet in his room so we can ease him into sleeping in there. He woke up scared a couple times but then went to sleep. I love when he is asleep cuz I can enjoy the silence! It's kinda funny tho, when Carter naps he always wakes up after 45 mon but is still sleepy. The 90 min program predicted
that! I love that book!!He then slept another 45 min. So an hour and half nap!! Woohoo!!! Well nap at 2:45 he went to sleep early and pretty easy. I love it that I can finally tell what actions, faces and noises mean. That nap was only 45 min long. He was sleepy, should have tried harder to get him back to sleep but oh well. Next nap at 5 was even easier. But he didn't sleep for more than 30 min. Because of that he was sleepy again at 8 so he only slept for 40 min then bath time. Because of the later than normal nap, he didn't go to sleep till 10. But thats ok. Means he won't wake up till almost 8! Yay!! Ok bed time! Night night

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