Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Terrible Tuesday

Last night, after he finally went to sleep, he slept for over six hours!! But then woke up a couple hours later with a dirty diaper and he was very upset because since he only goes every few days, it hurts when he does go. And he did it again a couple hours later. To make changing a poopy diaper even more fun, he spit up while I was changing him. Oh fun morning!! Carter took a two hour nap so I had a lot of time. I ended up researching about the odd shape of his head and everything I read said it's a pretty severe case of a misshapen head. Basically he always lays on the right side if his head so it's all lopsided. And will keep getting worse because now it's flat and easier to lay that way. It really upsets me because it's my fault! I should have noticed earlier so I could have tried to stop it from getting so serious. And I am tired if people commenting on his head. Scared to death of what the dr will say thursday. I am trying my hardest to keep him from laying on his back and making his head worse. On a lighter note, I am beginning the planning for my sister in laws baby shower!! So just so y'all know, I write this throughout the day. Anytime I have a free second, which is hardly ever, so this takes me all day to write. Carter was supposed to take a nap at five. Well by the time Derrick got home at 5:30 I still hadn't got him to sleep, so I gave him to Derrick so I could start supper. Oh let me add, all day I had been working so hard to find ways to keep Carter from turning his head to the right. Very hard task!! Anyways... Derrick finally got him to sleep and after only thirty min he woke up, mad, cranky, and tired! Two and a half hours later he finally stopped screaming and fell asleep! See kids, that's what happens when your baby doesn't finish his nap and wakes up too soon. So it's 8:30 and we are all going to sleep. This kid is more work than my job was! And I will admit... I broke down and had a few cry moments today. It really was a terrible Tuesday! God let tomorrow be better!

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